LemmyFeed , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

It’s crazy how some workers actually defend the tipping system and blame the consumer. They’re doing the work of their oppressors and can’t even realize it. The business isn’t subsidizing lower prices, they’re lining the pockets of their investors and telling the workers to get mad at the consumers.

Hextic ,

I find the ones that defend it are… Attractive. I’ve heard how some can make more in a weekend than I can in a 2 week period. None of em uggos.

ApathyTree , avatar

Or highly highly personable. But also usually both.

I was a workhorse and could solo Saturday rush for a restaurant with an hour wait, but I’d have made way more if I could flirt and bs with people when it’s slow.

Hextic ,

You ain’t wrong.


Find me a job where I can make more than a full day of construction or contractor labor in 4-5hrs

Spoiler alert - that job is tipped.

Gay_Jesus69 , avatar

General contractors in my state make about $45/hr

Wait staff get tipped, on average, $100 a day


Sounds like you know some shitty wait staff. My daughter currently can top $130 in 4 hours at 18 in rural Ohio.

There’s no general construction worker making 90k/year in Ohio.

Gay_Jesus69 , avatar

According to Ziprecruiter the average annual income of General contractors in Ohio is 88k


That’s because you’re confusing construction and contractor work, which is different work.

Gay_Jesus69 , avatar

Find me a job where I can make more than a full day of construction or contractor labor in 4-5hrs

You forgot your original statement.

Also, according to Ziprecruiter construction workers make, on average, $220-$260 a day in Ohio, which is a little bit below the national average of $240-$290 a day.


$200+ per day as a server is not difficult. I regularly did that as far back as 2005.

Again you should at least speak to someone who makes a living this way before developing strong and incorrect opinions.

Gay_Jesus69 , avatar

That doesn’t change the national average is $100 in tips a day.

Your opinion is statistically wrong.

And the average construction worker earned $23.92/hr in 2005 and worked 10-12 hours a day.

jerebear205 ,

Yeah my part time job is tipped and I hate it. It’s a a scam for both the consumer and the worker. I just want a higher wage and not be at the whelm of ppl

hypna , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

I feel for this guy having to make a living with the meager pay of a barista, but setting the minimum wage to a livable level and pegging it to inflation is a much better solution. Hell, throw in some single-payer, universal healthcare, and take that item off everyone’s personal budget while we’re at it.

lildictator ,

> throw in some single-payer, universal healthcare

When you do that, don’t forget to include coverage for the stuff around your head: dental care, eyeglasses and mental health. Many countries forgot to include coverage for these things and it is a shitshow.

HauntedBucket , to Work Reform in U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs

It's almost like employment needs to be a free market with choice and dignity

superfes ,

Also, maybe pay and enjoyment could be reasons employees stay...

Rhaedas ,

And real benefits instead of a fixed healthcare system that profits on necessity.

NounsAndWords , to Work Reform in Burger King gave candy to a worker who never called in sick. The internet gave $400K

So…he went to work sick where he prepared people’s food for a living instead of calling out (since they pay peanuts and he probably couldn’t afford to take off). Great.

stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

Yeah, the article talks about that.

malloc ,

His best years wasted for a faceless corporation/franchise owner.

This time line sucks ass

DrTautology , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

Unfucking believable. Not a single mention of the actual problem in that article. Not a single mention of who is to blame.

Moghul ,

Humans are dumb as fuck. Reddit was full of people mad at moderators for protesting Reddit’s api changes just a few weeks ago.

Rakonat ,

Dollars to donuts most of those were probably bots

Moghul ,

Nah, people are absolutely dumb enough to call the mods childish losers for standing up for themselves.

PlanetOfOrd ,

What is the actual problem that’s not mentioned?

DrTautology , (edited )

Billion dollar companies can pay their employees $2 an hour…

PlanetOfOrd ,

Why do you think they do this?

DrTautology ,

Because they’re greedy and it’s legal…


No it’s because customers are happier this way and the service staff makes more than they would otherwise, in a way that responds to inflationary pressures.

DrTautology ,

Not only is this untrue, but it is disingenuous. I suggest you do more research about tipping and service wages in general.


It is absolutely true and I worked as a server for a decade, and still have friends working tipped jobs.

CoderKat ,

I disagree that customers are happier. People constantly complain about tipping. Those people are clearly not happy. Much of the world doesn’t do the tipping model, so it doesn’t seem like it is worthwhile for quality of service.

I do agree that staff are happier because they on average would make more (at least more than the paltry minimum wage most states have). But it comes at the cost of taking advantage of customers (basically trying to guilt trip them into paying more). I don’t support such business practices. Not to mention it’s not actually fair pay. You’re not actually being paid for quality of service. You’re paid for how much they like you, which leads to racial and gender pay disparities.

And the real winner? The business that gets to pay pennies to wait staff. They could incorporate the average tip into their prices and maintain the same pay. But they don’t want to. They want to advertise low prices so that they can get the full value from low tippers. They often even outright push mandatory tipping with auto gratuities, which is peak sleazeball behavior.


People only complain about tipping online. In the real world, that doesn’t happen.

dolla , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

I’ve worked minimum wage customer service jobs for a decade. I haven’t worked in jobs that rely on tips (though I have worked in a bar where tipping exists, but is way more normalized) but there’s no way in hell the customer is the answer to paying employees a livable wage—that’s just insane. The burden here shouldn’t be on the customer to subsidize the employer, this “economist” has it ass backwards. This is a situation that has to get worse before it gets better, I am not going to tip more to help the greedy owner undercut their employees

fiah , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar

why do we even know the political leanings of members of a school board? It ought to be a non-issue, but I guess the previous members just couldn’t help themselves after ingesting too much fox news

ChicoSuave ,

Because right wingers lack subtly and nuance. They don’t understand how to talk about something that they don’t agree with and lack the mental flexibility to entertain an idea without agreeing to it.

Right wingers hate everything that makes people happy except hurting others. They love to hurt others. So they have taken to attacking people where they can, like schools and at the hospital. Places that people have to use are the places authoritarians are attacking with ideology to force their future on children who can’t make their own choices.

SatanicNotMessianic ,

I understand the sentiment, but the reason is that most voters don’t have the bandwidth to even really learn about their federal representatives, much less their local politicians. Having a letter next to your name is probably the least amount of relevant information you can convey. It’s basically one bit in a two party system.

It takes a lot of time and effort to be an informed voter. When ballots arrive, I can spend hours on sites researching the legislation and candidates, and even then most of what you’ll find are press release types of statements with generic phrasing. You end up learning to hear dog whistles and using those, unless the candidate/initiative is big enough that it gets attention in the local press.

At this point, if someone is running as a Republican, I am going to assume that they’re a supporter of the LGBT-phobic, misogynistic agenda embraced by the national party. It is the party of Trump now, and they take a firm stand against everything I agree with. I appreciate the signal, even if it is a single bit of information, just in case I can’t find anything on the candidate.

korewa ,

Been voting democrat for a while now in Texas. I wrote a letter to my congressman about speakership. He was republican, so the local gop now thinks I’m republican. So they sent me packets to vote for the republican candidate for school board. I voted the opposite.

jennwiththesea , avatar

In WA state they are nonpartisan, but not really. All that means is, as a voter, you have to read between the lines of everything they say, and as a supporter you spend an inordinate amount of time finding and providing proof of the views of these people to other voters. At this point I would really appreciate a D or R (or L, I, whatever) next to their names.

Adalast ,

Honestly, the question comes down to indoctrination. Republicans play very long games. They see themselves as losing now, but if they can control the education system and mediate what the next crops of voters know and think, then they can make sure that they start winning again. They have been dismantling it for decades, but it was quiet, and slow, and they made sure to avoid making waves so their agenda didn’t get noticed. The current barrel of monkeys in the post-Trump world are trying to be noisy and forceful and are getting caught. Take a long look through the history of state and district decisions regarding coursework and guidelines for educators and you will see pretty quickly who had political motivations and who was trying to make sure the population stayed dumb, docile, and pliant.

Crisps , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

Tipping a barista while paying would almost always mean tipping BEFORE the service is rendered. This is not a tip, it is just an added fee.

Chocrates ,

True but other than sit down restaurants where do you tip after the service is rendered? I agree that it is just an added fee and we are just subsidizing capitalists.

I don’t know how to fix it though. Not tipping does nothing but hurt the workers.

wagesj45 , avatar

At some point the responsibility falls on the workers to unionize. I'm aware that is painful. It is also the only true answer because if we wait on the corporate overlords to benevolently raise wages to an acceptable living standard and disband tipping, we'll be waiting forever.

Crisps ,

Barbers, taxis and full service restaurants. Aka the only places you tipped 10 years ago.

Bazzatron ,

Honestly - I can’t see any way but this.

If those jobs no longer pay enough to survive, nobody will take them on, and the capitalist will have to adapt or die.

This is something the government should be protecting workers against, but people are so scared to even unionise, it’s tragic.

Eladarling ,

Hair salons, nail salons, valet, dog grooming, any sort of contract work around your house like lawnmowing, bars…

Chocrates ,

Oof really good examples.

Crisps ,

Nobody tips lawn mowers and contractors!

PlanetOfOrd ,

When I was well off I’d try to tip everyone who did even a half-decent job. Gas station attendants, grocery store workers, doesn’t matter…unless they refused as part of their work rules (some are like that) I would try to tip them.

yata ,

Not tipping does nothing but hurt the workers.

A business which can’t afford to pay their workers a livable wage doesn’t deserve to exist. If people stopped paying tips then that work no longer provides a livable wage and it becomes difficult for employers to find employees.

In the end they may even decide to pay their employees a livable wage. Some businesses have already done so.

darkseer ,

They’re called tips because tips have certain legal protections, while fees are up to the discretion of the business to give to their employees. Trust me. That delivery fee that you pay Papa Johns goes toward liability insurance, software fees, and other incidentals. None of it goes to the driver. And always pre tip more than 5 dollars if you don’t want to be the last delivery of 3.

Maximilious , to Work Reform in Millions of additional salaried workers could get overtime pay under Biden proposal avatar

This is great for teachers. Overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated!

TyrionsNose ,

You’re not wrong, but that only applies to teachers in low cost of living areas. High cost of living teachers start at $55k these days.

I also wonder how it would work. My wife clocks in when she gets to school and clocks out when she leaves, but she still lesson plans and grades papers at home.

three ,

she isn’t salaried?

_Sc00ter ,

Not a teacher, but I’m salaried and have to log every hour each day. Ours is for contract and project costing purposes though

CrayonRosary ,

They meant that the salary cutoff is too low for some teachers to benefit.

derf82 , to Work Reform in The Big 3 automakers now have record offers on the table. UAW says they can do more

Of course they can do more. Look at their profits. Look at their executive pay.

Hoomod ,

But won’t you think of the shareholders?!

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

You realize gm shareholders lost everything in the last bailout. That includes the workers who had stock as well.

Many people are myopic and forget the workers are shareholders. My dad was a uaw for most of his life. I lost all his shares in the BK. I only kept them for sentimental reasons but they’re gone.

Another thing to note, pension plans are some of the largest shareholders. So you’re literally mocking union workers.

Nudding ,

Do you think that’s who we’re talking about?

wintermute_oregon ,

Yes. Since pension plans are some the largest shareholders. People don’t understand who shareholders really are. They think they’re some mythical person when really it’s pension funds.

Nudding ,

No. We’re talking about controlling shareholders. Board members, executives, etc. Good try though.

wintermute_oregon ,

Is there a mouse in your pocket? We are not talking about anything.

The largest shareholders are pension/retirement funds.

I get you want to screw the unions but grow up.

Nudding ,

Uhh… No, I’m very pro union. We aren’t talking about the same thing. Have a nice day.

wintermute_oregon ,

Very pro-union but you have no clue how the system works. I’ll leave you with this to educate you on why shareholder value is important. Most my family is retired uaw and I like you they know their pension plan and medical plans are funded from shareholder value.

So instead of being an edge lord. Learn how the system works. Union families don’t find you wishing them harm so funny.…/2020SAR-gm.pdf

Nudding ,

??? Dude I don’t know what to tell you? When people say think of the shareholders they aren’t taking about mom and pop who were gifted shares with no ability to control the direction of the company, they’re talking about the scumbags doing buybacks, making short sighted business decisions which lead to the companies enshittification, etc. If you’re too stupid to differentiate between the two, then I’m sorry for you and your union family ✌️

wintermute_oregon ,

When people say that they just show they don’t get how the system works and they’re not union members.

I just cited you where their medical retirement fund is gasp funded by shareholder value.

I get you hate unions or just lack the knowledge to see how stupid phrases don’t help.

Buybacks help the union as it increases their funds for pensions and medical care. I’m against them but to deny they help the union is just stating you don’t get the symbiotic relationship they have together.

Nudding ,

Let me put it another way, fuck the shareholders. If you think that includes your union family members too, that’s your problem, as I’ve said. Again, goodbye

wintermute_oregon ,

So you are anti-union since that would remove their pensions and healthcare. I get being an edge lord is tough but I support the unions. Wishing for them to lose their pensions and healthcare is twisted.

Nudding ,

Great. Wonderful

ryathal , to Work Reform in Swedish dockworkers are refusing to unload Teslas at ports in broad boycott move

Sweden is a weird place where basically everything is decided by union contracts. There isn’t even a national minimum wage as there’s enough union power that they effectively get one in the contracts. Companies that try to fight it generally end up losing when they can’t do literally anything without a union blocking them.

vrek ,

So when can Sweeden take over the world?

gribodyr , avatar


Swedneck , avatar

when us nordics can stop being silly and form a union again.

Iron_Lynx ,

Once their brand of unionism is exported to the EU and turned into the norm all over it, I guess they’ll be halfway there.

Dyskolos ,

That’s not weird, that should be normal.

meekah , avatar

I think Sweden’s Union culture is especially interesting in the way that they do cross-trade-strikes. Like this article mentions, not only the mechanics who would be affected by the contract are striking. Instead basically anyone providing a service to Tesla stops providing services to them until they submit to the unions. It’s really quite a nice system. I’d seriously consider moving there if it wasn’t so conservative in some other ways…

mundane ,

I usually think of us (swedes) as very progressive. In what way would you consider us conservative?

cikano ,

Could be weed being illegal here, or the increase of xenophobia / right wingers, or both

meekah , (edited ) avatar

Like the other commenter assumed, I am talking about the rise of right wingers and xenophobia. Maybe I just read about it a lot and think it’s worse than it is. Seeing as this is also happening where I live, in Germany, I suppose it really isn’t that strong of an argument.

I do realize you are relatively progressive in a lot of areas like renewable energy, social services etc.

mundane ,

I see the loud right winged racists as a result on how progressive we are. It’s basically a response to us taking in a lot of foreigners a few years ago. Progress is never a straight line.

Swedes are really welcoming to new solutions if they are logical and beneficial.

  • Iso 8601 dates are the norm (yyyy-mm-dd). No weird order or backslashes.
  • Electronic payments are basically the only form of payment.
  • early adoption of high speed internet for most homes.
  • parents get 80% of the salary for 390 days (to share) to stay home with young kids.
meekah , avatar

You definitely have a point about progress not being a straight line. I would also like to think we are pretty progressive here in Germany but the recent few years have made me question that. Especially because I don’t really agree with the german right wingers being a direct result of the refugees we took in around 2015. A lot of them are very anti establishment generally, almost on a conspiracy theory level. But nontheless, you are right that no curve can forever go up, even if the trend is headed that way.

I don’t really think the first 3 points are markers of real progress, but I have to agree they are nice aspects of day to day life.

The last part is definitely interesting. I know we have something somewhat similar here in germany, but as always, it is hidden behind a huge wall of bureaucracy. Is that similar in Sweden or us bureaucracy more lenient/easy?

Usul_00_ ,

My experience in Sweden suggest those are a very few online loudmouths, not at all indicative of how a visually diverse group was treated there. In fact, one black American mentioned how awesome it was just to be, and have their skin not be an issue in any wsy.

profdc9 ,

Aren’t cross-trade strikes a consequence of union solidarity? I think large federated unions in other countries engage is similar protests.

meekah , avatar

I’m not sure about other countries, but I haven’t heard of anything like that here in germany. To be fair, I’m not even really sure how big unions are here, but I always felt like there is pretty decent coverage. I know there is the IG Metall, which apparently has pretty good coverage of a lot of industrial trades. Then there is ver.di that covers a lot of more office-type jobs, and I think there is another one for train drivers and workers. I have heard of a lot of people in IG Metall, but I’ve also read that the other unions don’t have that many members. Maybe we don’t do cross trade strikes because of that?

JackDark , to Star Trek in NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer

the last few seasons of Discovery have been a bit bogged down by the stuff that has always made it a tough sell as a Trek series: overly ambitious, serialized storylines that aren’t compelling; new characters and environments that don’t impress; plot twists which can be maddening in their lack of logic; big storytelling swings which can be confusing and predictable at once.

Yeah, it's not "underappreciated". It's just not very good for what many of us are expecting. I still haven't gotten through season 3.

BananaTrifleViolin , (edited )

Yeah its just not a good show.

I just watched a scene where Michael and Mol were working together, then suddenly Michael decides to attack Mol, then they have a kung fu fight and finally Michael asks Mol stop and says she needs to trust her, as if Michael hadn't just violently assaulted her. The writing is nonsensical.

Unfortunately that is symptomatic of the show as a whole and just one of many problems.

Also the constant deus ex machina, with the characters having a conversations where everyone finishes each others sentences. Its tiresome to watch. I really wanted to like the show but never could.

BassaForte , (edited ) to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen avatar

I’ve dropped my average tip percentage back down to 15% (20% for good waiters / waitresses I see often). Complying with larger tip percentage is exactly what the business owners want us to do, and to think that it’s going to stop at 25%? 30%? Their default tip range will just keep climbing.

gravitas_deficiency , to Work Reform in U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs

Wow that’s actually pretty awesome.

Chainweasel , to Politics in The Trump campaign embraces Jan. 6 rioters with money and pardon promises

There were 14 days after the riot that he could have used to pardon them and he chose to use that tube to pack up classified documents instead. That’s the talking point I’d start with,
“if he really cared about you then why did he sit on his hands for two weeks instead of signing a blanket pardon?”

PowerCrazy ,

I ask the same about Obama when he sat his hands in 2009 instead of codifying roe v wade, or when he compromised on bodily autonomy for his Heritage Foundation insurance handout.

Dkarma ,

The president doesn’t make laws wtf u smoking?

NovaPrime , avatar

Obama is not running. Cheeto is. Try again.

PowerCrazy ,

No but the democrats are, and they also sat on their hands.

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

The Democrats are inadequately good. The Republicans are actively bad. Lotta daylight between those two states.

NovaPrime , avatar

Ok, but that’s irrelevant to the topic at hand. It’s whataboutism

PowerCrazy ,

The election is coming up right? And Democrats are going to run in that election. So if the “talking point” is that Trump didn’t pardon the rioters when he had the chance, therefore he is lying to them, how is it that the democrats promises they broke re:abortion and the environment when they had the chance, not relevant to the topic at hand?

They are lying to you about what you think you are voting for.

NovaPrime , avatar

Let’s try it this way. Based on your comment, I understand your argument structure to be like this (correct me if I’m wrong):

Election is coming up > democrats are running in the election > as part of the election strategy democrats are pushing a “talking point” about trump campaign dangling pardons and legal defense funding for his insurrection conspirators > trump had the chance to pardon them already but chose not to, so therefore he’s lying to them > democratic party promises they broke re: abortion and environment when they had power are the same type of lie and therefore relevant to the discussion about trump campaign dangling pardons and legal defense funding for his insurrection conspirators in the current campaign.

Surely you can see how you’ve had to construct an entirely different argument structure around the actual subject of discussion (trump campaign dangling pardons and legal defense funding for his insurrection conspirators) to try and build relevance? But even then it doesnt actually work logically.

Your original response was essentially “but what about Obummer?!” That’s whataboutism. It’s a logical fallacy.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

You act like logic will work on them. You can’t reason people out of ideas they didn’t reason themselves into.

ashok36 ,

The answer is that if he tried to pardon them then the senate would have convicted him in his impeachment and the entire white house legal team would have walked out (along with a lot of other white house staff).

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