
DeltaTangoLima , to RedditMigration in Be wary of spiteful Reddit users
@DeltaTangoLima@reddrefuge.com avatar

Are you OK mate? Like, seriously, are you OK? It sounds like you’re very preoccupied with Reddit. Just do what a lot of us recent Lemmy joiners have done - delete your account and never visit that shithole again.


snownyte OP ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

You're overshooting the problem and I really doubt you care about me so drop the act. You didn't even read a single word of what my post was about, so you're just like the few here who're running off baseless assumptions, twisting contexts and regurgitating through your own filter to come to the conclusion you've made.

DeltaTangoLima ,
@DeltaTangoLima@reddrefuge.com avatar

Ok mate. Whatever. You’re the one coming off like a fucking lunatic fruitloop with all the “ReDdiT aRe ouT tO gET Us” bullshit.

atlasraven31 ,

On a moonless night, sometimes I can see SPEZ outside my window just staring.

snownyte OP , (edited )
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

I never said anything to the likes about how Reddit is out to get me. That's the picture you and every other insecure idiot that's been projecting all of this time. I make a little PSA and you guys interpret it as conspiracy. Makes me think that there's a mix of conspiratards in here too. That's not a me problem, it's you problem. But you guys just refuse to accept that reality, which places you in a different realm than where I'm at.

DeltaTangoLima ,
@DeltaTangoLima@reddrefuge.com avatar

Now who’s projecting? I, like most of us here, just DGAF about Reddit. You’re the one harping on about it.

Calm the fuck down. Dickhead.

ubermeisters ,
@ubermeisters@lemmy.world avatar

Hey I just want to say most of us humans care about most other humans even if we’ve had disagreements currently or in the past. You and I certainly haven’t gotten along so far but I still care about you and hope that you feel cared about.

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy , to RedditMigration in Be wary of spiteful Reddit users

The only real toxicity i have noticed on here comes mostly from lemmygrad

Klear ,

Reddit had t_d, here we have lemmygrad. I see it as a nice change of pace while making the place oddly familiar.

a-man-from-earth , to men in How do we move forward?
@a-man-from-earth@kbin.social avatar

By keeping it going. It's very regrettable that it fractured, but I guess at this point it can't be helped. My mistake was misjudging the willingness of active participants to jump ship, tho I am happy to see some of you did make it over. I am here for you, as long as I perceive there is a need for this community. It did hurt to get misrepresented and blamed for things outside of my control by a former top contributor to the subreddit. His ego, his inflated sense of self-importance, and his blind anger only resulted in further fracturing of the community. It really took me by surprise, and caused me a lot of stress, which is why I have been quiet for the past week.

There is no chance in hell I am going back to Reddit, after the absolutely shameful way that company treated us. And I don't understand anyone (especially a left-wing activist) willing to tolerate that, or even more: volunteering to curate content for them, especially after the degradation in service which is affecting effective moderation (e.g. BotDefense).

LWMA1107 ,

And I don't understand anyone (especially a left-wing activist) willing to tolerate that,

Sadly because it's easier to spam "Fuck spez" and act like that's doing something rather than make an actual change in their life, like dropping reddit all together. It was one of the things I disliked most about the site.

volunteering to curate content for them, especially after the degradation in service which is affecting effective moderation

My best guess it shortsightedness mixed with power hunger. They probably only see that sweet mod position where you can delete any opinion you disagree with or any user deemed "problematic" without thinking about the work that would actually go into modding a botless subreddit. But that's just me pulling that out of my ass.

But enough about that, I am glad that in some way shape or form, this community is still going!

NightOwl , to RedditMigration in I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea.

What beehaw has done with limiting the creation of communities has worked well, since the ones they created have been pretty active.

Not all instances need to be that strict, but might be good to have a place to propose a community, why they’d be a good mod, and type of initial content they plan to post themselves before it grows would help until the user base is bigger to be able to sustain random free for all creation of communities. Some places just exist with nothing posted at all, so you’re not sure if even the person who created abandoned it from the get go.

Collin93 , to Fediverse in Defederation, Threads and You

Very well-written explanation, thanks for sharing!

vaguerant OP ,
@vaguerant@kbin.social avatar

Thanks, I appreciate it! It took a stupidly long time. :V

On some level, it's probably not that important that people understand all this stuff, but I think the most dangerous thing is people believing that their data will be protected if Threads gets defederated. Any other confusion is basically harmless, but that's the one thing where people have a false sense of security, because Meta has exactly the same access to your data whether or not they get defederated.

Chozo ,

On some level, it's probably not that important that people understand all this stuff

Maybe not the average user. But the ones who are very vocal with their outrage should definitely have an understanding of what these processes actually entail. Thanks for taking the time to write this, I hope people actually take the time to read and understand!

HeartyBeast ,
@HeartyBeast@kbin.social avatar

I think the most dangerous thing is people believing that their data will be protected if Threads gets defederated.

... or that their personal data is at risk if Threads is federated.

EffectivelyHidden , to Politics in Speak up now: What should our community guidelines be?

My first question is always going to be, what is the moderation policy for Nazi's/white supremacists/fascists?

Are you adopting a zero tolerance policy for that sort of rabble rousing trash, the iamragesparkle method, or are you going to say your hands are tied unless they blatantly violate the community guidelines?

(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."

And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them."

And i was like, ohok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."

And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.

Drusas ,

This sort of question is why this thread was created. I'm in favor of a zero tolerance policy for fascism, bigotry, and anything that is clearly misinformation. But that's my personal opinion and we'll all be working together to decide on what the community wants and what works best. Rules can also be altered as we grow, of course, if our initial guidelines aren't sufficient.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm all in on the punch a Nazi approach here.

EffectivelyHidden ,

Obviously I'm 100% in the camp of "you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."

Sadly I joined this conversation late, so we will see if others filter in.

I'm very curious as to what sort of community the fedaverse as a whole has cultivated after the reddit exodus.

Drusas ,

I don't disagree, based on the harm that is being done. You may see me comment in that regard, but if moderation rules end up being more lenient than I am personally, based on feedback, that's what I'll do as a moderator. It's about what the community wants and needs in order for genuine discussion to thrive.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Within reason, given my personal values, I too am willing to be a bit more lenient if that's what the community wants. Taking on mod responsibilities shouldn't become my entire life (nor any of the other mods on the team now) and part of that is letting the userbase self-regulate up until a user's presence becomes disruptive.

Machinist3359 ,

Your decisions shape the community, though ;). Too lenient you'll be reporting to trolls who demand more leniency.

I'm team zero-fash tolerance. It's the fediverse, they can go kick rocks in gabbit or whatever they spin up.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm quite positively bolstered by the number of users advocating for a zero-tolerance policy regarding fascism in the magazine.

I have added preliminary community guidelines into the side bar and have made an overt stance regarding neo-nazism, white supremacy, and fascism.

Thanks for weighing in!

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I have seen enough users actively combat alt-right content here that I'm happy to swing the ban hammer on neo-Nazi and pro-white supremacy content.

What I don't want to create is an echo chamber that only permits the views of people I agree with.

I say this with all sincerity: as a progressive, we need genuine and legitimate leadership to step up and start governing again in the GOP. We don't need people who were once too awful to embrace getting a redemption arc (a la Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney style), but real and serious political leaders. I would like this magazine to be a place to stay informed about the moves and leadership on the right that are worth building bridges with.

And as much as I hate the entire MAGA crowd, we still need to be informed of their movements and goings on. So I'm not willing to draw the line at no right wing content from right wing sources ever. But I happily draw the line at no neo-Nazi or white supremacy sympathizing.

EffectivelyHidden , (edited )

What I don't want to create is an echo chamber that only permits the views of people I agree with.

I'm confused.

Do you think I was asking for that?

If so, why?

But I happily draw the line at no neo-Nazi or white supremacy sympathizing.

We seem to be in the same ballpark, I just use stronger language about it.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I didn't think you were asking for an echo chamber. I added that information to add some transparency so that members of this community may understand more on my perspective and get to know my philosophy a bit more. I wasn't reacting directly to you by saying that.

I want to be sensitive to outside perspectives (not yours) who may be seeing this dialogue as a witch hunt for them because of my own personal foibles and emotive reactions to their positions on politics, hence all this - what is apparently coming across as - softer language.

Please know, in my heart, I'm more Malcolm X than MLK.

Machinist3359 ,

I'm for a fair amount of leniency when everyone is being civil, but the line needs to be a bit left of card carrying Nazi.

Anyone advocating against human rights should be banned, because such debates are not fruitful. For example, some of the rhetoric around exterminating the homeless in Fox news has no place here.

Fwiw, I think the fediverse gives bans far less weight. A safe and informative community with a range of opinions on how to improve things should be the goal, and mods should be bam happy to get there.

Frog-Brawler ,
@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

I meant to reply yesterday but I got distracted. I have a pretty large bias against nazis / white supremacists and fascists. Unfortunately, on the fediverse, we're not going to be able to "out now!" them at the door, simply because we're not going to be able to tell if they're sitting behind their keyboard (or phone) wearing a vest with iron crosses, nor will we be able to tell if they have either red or white laces in their Doc Martens.

I think that posting content (or in support of content) that falls into the categories you mentioned should equate to getting the boot though.

CurrMudgeon , to Politics in Speak up now: What should our community guidelines be?

No screenshots of article headlines. Always require a link to an article instead.

One of the biggest problems I had with reddit was the posting of editorialized headlines with no source. Once I would find the source (if the article is even real), I often find the article contradicts it's own headline or lacks any sources for the claims made. Of course, the screenshots would be upvoted anyway because people want to be outraged, regardless if the story is accurate or not.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I would want to qualify this a bit to expand, but in short - I would like to see only content that generates discussion or educates the audience. Memes and screen caps of article headlines (I never knew this was a thing on reddit) fail to educate, so I don't see that having a home here.

Content may be:

  • Direct url to reliable or reputable source of journalism (as determined by Media Bias Charts from watchdog organizations). Post title must match article title. Poster must include lead or nut graf in body of post text. Poster may communicate their interpretation or editorialization of the news item in the first comment.
  • Direct link to a YouTube video from responsible content creators - no podcasts but yes interviews with direct people of interest from trusted media sources and journalists, even if this content is editorial in nature. Editorial content (for both videos and articles) should be clearly marked EDITORIAL: [original title of linked content]
  • OC threads seeking community engagement and debate (ex: DISCUSSION: How have anti-trans laws impacted you or people you know directly?) - the community space for these may be an "enter at your own risk" because I don't want to get caught in the quagmire of who has a shitty opinion versus who is a shitty person. For threads like this, I think the most moderation we should be doing should be removing/banning spammers and bots. If users want to feed the trolls in these spaces, then I won't challenge how you like to spend your weekend.
Jilanico , to RedditMigration in It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse.
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

The thing is just because something is posted to the fediverse doesn’t mean everyone can see it. For example, we don’t see most Mastodon posts on Lemmy.

vaguerant ,
@vaguerant@kbin.social avatar

I think the portmanteau "threadiverse" works for this situation and it's what I've been using to refer to anything in the general Lemmy/kbin side of the fediverse, but I think people just referring to the platform is inevitable. People talk about posts "on Mastodon" even though there's like 15 different services you can use to post to the blogging side of the fediverse, like Pleroma, pump.io, etc. It's worth thinking about in situations where you're like "Hi Lemmy" because you're definitely talking to more than just Lemmy, but any time you're talking about your personal experience of where you saw a thread I think it's perfectly accurate to use the name of that platform rather than having to say you saw it "on the fediverse".

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Threadiverse? 🤨 We found zuck’s alt, y’all. Just kidding 😁

vaguerant ,
@vaguerant@kbin.social avatar

Busted! I have been thinking about how "threadiverse" is complicated a lot by Threads existing. It could easily mean "the part of the fediverse that is attached to Threads" (uppercase) rather than "the part of the fediverse that revolves around threads" (lowercase). Maybe we already need a new name. Eggheadiverse?

nosedive ,

My silly -verse suggestion: palaverse, from palaver + universe.

noodlejetski ,
@noodlejetski@masto.ai avatar

@Jilanico you're seeing this Mastodon reply though. hi!

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar


NOT_RICK , to RedditMigration in /r/NonCredibleDefense recieves automated notice from the admins to remove its NSFW designation, or else. Mods respond by messaging the admins a bunch of death and porn.
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

The faux Chinese censor trigger at the end is fantastic lmao

The Janny Massacre

Drolo , to men in You're either an egalitarian, or you're a sexist

Agree. The point is that feminist is nor about equality, is about face women against men. That is why when feminists come to power they make discriminatory laws against men, it's not because they are "radical" or they don't understand feminism, it's because feminism is that, it's hatred of men.

That's why we must reject feminism and at the same time be in favor of equality between men and women.

Grumps , to RedditMigration in For those in the know about privacy laws and the such. What is a proper response to reddit's claim that they cannot remove all the information associated to an account without first the user removing all of their posts?

I'm no lawyer, however, having gone through this a couple of times as a service provider this is my understanding:

GDPR and similar laws cover data which the provider has gathered about you and may have been shared with third parties.

Generally, user generated content is not covered under GDPR requests. Any content that you chose to post which is self-identifying was posted at your discretion.

The best examples of where this must be true are mailing list archives and Git reposities. E.g., the email address you gave to GitHub on signups and the email address that you attached to a git commit may have been the same, but only one use case provides for GDPR protection. Mostly.

In practice there's a lot of gray area in GDPR and privacy lawyers often have to find the inflection point somewhere between clearly covered and clearly not covered.

Doll_Tow_Jet-ski OP ,

Got it. Thanks for the explanation

abff08f4813c ,

As psychopomp pointed out this is wrong. (Or at least, "unsettled" - meaning that unless you are sitting on big pots of money and are happy to pay up to the gov't if the courts decide against you - you should play it safe.) See https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/34112/Updated-Reddit-is-quietly-restoring-deleted-AND-overwritten-posts-and#entry-comment-140833 - for what it's worth, folks from pre-Musk Twitter who looked into this issue determined that tweets basically did fall under the GDPR.

See also https://mstdn.games/@chris/110553477682106144 https://www.wired.co.uk/article/delete-twitter-dms-gdpr https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/08/elon-musk-twitter-dm-deletion/

Doll_Tow_Jet-ski OP ,

for what it's worth, folks from pre-Musk Twitter who looked into this issue determined that tweets basically did fall under the GDPR.

That's interesting! It does set a precedent. I'm just going to have to wait for a European class action against Reddit. I hope someone with time and money in their hands takes the initiative.

abff08f4813c ,

Hmm. I wonder though - could follow BrikoX's suggestion. Might be the case that you don't need a lawyer or to spend any money on it, instead the gov't org will hear complaints from lots of redditors (or ex-redditors) and then send its own lawyers in. If so, then these folks will be using public money from taxpayers and of course they got the time - it's literally their actual job. (Of course I speak in generalities and maybes because i don't know the system in every single EU country and it likely varies somewhat between them.)

psychopomp ,
@psychopomp@kbin.social avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Nihil ,

    So, I’m hearing, “Overwrite all my comments to sign my real name at the end”

    Hypx , to /kbin in where are kbin admins?
    @Hypx@kbin.social avatar

    Ernest has not been seen in a while. So no, there's basically no admin currently available.

    50gp OP ,

    surely there is more than one admin who can moderate the instance?

    Blackout ,
    @Blackout@kbin.social avatar

    I have to admit I have been moving over to mbin. It's the same layout and hot algo but with bug fixes. I submitted an issue and they had it fixed within a few days.

    wjrii ,
    @wjrii@kbin.social avatar

    kbin.social in particular only has the one admin. I keep an eye on the two ghost-town mags that I mod so they don't become spam vectors, but there's only so much we can do without an admin/dev.

    FfaerieOxide ,
    @FfaerieOxide@kbin.social avatar

    surely there is more than one admin who can moderate the instance?

    From what I understand Ernest is slow to trust and doesn't like sharing responsibility.

    stopthatgirl7 ,
    @stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

    It’s really frustrating because kbin has gotten too big to still basically be a one-man operation. Unless he lets other people take over some things, the wheels are gonna fall off sooner rather than later.

    ono , to Fediverse in For the "Why are you so hostile to Threads federating?" people..

    I’ve seen an argument that defederation would just hurt the fediverse, and that even an exploitative giant like Meta should therefore be welcomed.

    I think that’s like arguing that we should get rid of antitrust laws, which we have for good reason. We need to be able to stop bad actors and the damage they do. Especially large ones.

    FarraigePlaisteach ,

    If a Mastodon instance was run by someone who allowed a genocide to be fuelled by their platform, and earn money from the advertising, I think we'd defederate in a heart beat. It just doesn't seem consistent to federate with them.

    CoffeeAddict , to RedditMigration in Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive

    I feel like on average their conversation quality is higher than the other alternatives. However, as you said, it is not very diverse.

    Tildes also feels very “primp & proper” so to speak. While the conversations are generally very civil and of good quality, I also feel like the place is ruled with an iron fist; step a little bit out of line, and you’re pretty much gone. This is then coupled with the fact that you’re not able to make custom communities.

    In the end, its good for civil discussion within the bounds of what is already considered acceptable by the admin. I almost feel like it has the opposite problem Reddit does - whereas conversations on Reddit are largely driven by bots and the hivemind, Tildes is controlled by Deimos and whoever Deimos approves of.

    Thorned_Rose ,

    I thought you were being facetious calling the admin, Δεῖμος. Like implying the Tilde admin rules with such an iron first he instills god-like levels of dread in users. And then I discover the admin's username is indeed Deimos 😅

    HipPriest OP ,

    Tildes is controlled by Deimos and whoever Deimos approves of.

    This is a theme emerging from a few of the comments which is odd to say the least. Makes it sound like a bit of a vanity project

    livus , to RedditMigration in Finally got access to Tildes today... Seems unimpressive
    @livus@kbin.social avatar

    I really like the quality of the conversation over there but felt a little bit uneasy at the way the structure was influencing their community's culture.

    The whole thing is owned/controlled by this one guy Deimos, everyone there is a mod but he is the only admin. He sort of gardens it, as in he deletes whole conversations if he doesn't like the direction they are taking the community in. Understandably there was a lot of reference to "Deimos says" and "Deimos thinks" when they discussed the reddit influx.

    SkepticElliptic ,

    I got into it with those guys around summer of 2020 over college kids returning to school in person. I live near a large college campus and we had a newborn so I wasn’t keen on a large number of young people coming into town and giving us covid. Deimos, told me to stop talking about it, so I asked “how do I delete my account?” and I never went back to check on what his response was.

    Jokes on them because we got covid several times after our child started daycare a year later.

    kid4today ,
    @kid4today@feddit.uk avatar

    Sounds like a cult!

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