xkforce , to Star Trek in ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Finds New Home At Netflix After Paramount+ Cancellation

Just delaying the inevitable given netflix kills shows after the 2nd season

ray ,

Not always. Sometimes they do it after the first season.

cupcakezealot , avatar

only if there are gay people involved and being happy

also i’m still angry and bitter about gypsy

HardlightCereal ,

And Lockwood

samus12345 , avatar


Bonehead ,

It's at least one more season than Paramount gave us.

gregorum , avatar

Technically, they’re the ones giving us the second season (as in they’re still paying for production), but they’re not the ones streaming it.

I still don’t get why they’re doing this.

FelipeFelop , avatar

Apparently it’s a tax write off.

It’s risky though because a) Star Trek is no longer all in one place b) if it’s a hit then Netflix benefit.

ValueSubtracted OP , avatar

Paramount+, the streamer, cancelled it.

CBS Studios, the producer, kept it going and found a new buyer.

Two separate entities, even though they’re both subsidiaries of the same parent company.

PutangInaMo ,

That clears it up for me thanks

Disgustoid ,

Correct me if I’m wrong but if anyone kills the show, wouldn’t it be Paramount? Netflix is just picking it up to stream on their service.

I know people have their issues with Netflix but I’m just relieved it’s not Peacock or some other service no one cares about.

ValueSubtracted OP , avatar

Netflix is just picking it up to stream on their service.

Just as a TV network “cancels” a series by deciding not to order/air it, Netflix could do the same. Theoretically.

Bel_Shamharoth ,

But it seems clear at this point that Paramount believes that it’ll be able to make a return on its investment, so it’s just a matter of where the show eventually lands, not if the new season gets created.

Unless they do like WB did for Batgirl, and shitcan the entire thing permanently after production is complete, for a tax write-off.

ValueSubtracted OP , avatar

To be clear, I was being completely hypothetical. It makes no sense for Netflix to cancel something they literally just bought.

nocturne213 ,

Sadly they gave Manifest a 3rd and 4th season.

koreth ,

I don’t think Netflix actually cancels shows after two seasons any more often than other networks do.

Somehow people got it into their heads that Netflix is far more cancel-happy than its competitors, but if you look at the numbers, traditional TV networks have had like a 50% cancellation rate for decades.

Even TOS was cancelled after two seasons!

If Netflix is more prone to cancelling shows at all, which I’m not convinced is even true, it can’t be by an enormous margin.

wahming ,

There was an article a few weeks ago about how Netflix only has about a 15% cancellation rate. Unfortunately there was no deep dive into the data, so the figures are suspect. A few factors that weren’t considered:

  • A very significant percentage of Netflix programming is reality TV and cheap junk. This doesn’t get cancelled because well, it’s cheap.
  • Many series don’t get cancelled, they just aren’t renewed. If Netflix tells the producers this is the last season, they’re gonna rush the storyline to some kinda ending regardless of whether it was originally supposed to stretch several more seasons.
cheery_coffee ,

I would rather a rushed ending than to be left hanging (unless they’re going to do a movie or something)

Maybe the last few years are better, but through the late 2010s Netflix very much looked at the per episode drop off rate for viewers and used that to determine if a show would continue to pull in viewers and get renewed. They were quite aggressive and then when other streaming services started coming into play they aggressively tried cutting costs off dead shows and burned a lot of people.

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

Actually there’s both metric evidence and statements by senior Netflix executives that a show has to do well in the first few weeks to be renewed.

They’re also very committed to their drop it all at once, or at most in 2 parts per season.

So it creates an environment where shows are rarely renewed unless they are top of the streaming charts.

They may have a different decision criteria for kid and family shows though.

CM400 , to Star Trek in Timothy Olyphant Reveals Why He Didn’t Get The Role Of James T. Kirk In ‘Star Trek’ Films

TL;DR he was too old.

ieightpi ,

gah that sucks. He would have been aweomse.

ValueSubtracted OP , avatar

It’s 338 words…

teft , avatar

Yes, but CM400 explained it in 1/100 of the words.

Evil_Shrubbery , to Star Trek in ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Creator Mike McMahan On Making His “Dream Animated” Series: “Five Years Later, It Still Feels Like A Miracle”

By geeks, for geeks.

Its fantastic.

FordBeeblebrox ,

Every time I rewatch an episode I find another Easter egg, it really is Trek by and for Trekkies

EarMaster ,

It's like Futurama but in the Trek canon...

MindTraveller ,

Nah, Futurama is pessimistic. A thousand years passed and nothing got better. Humans just found new ways to screw each other over and more aliens to hate. Lower Decks is based and hopepilled.

Klear ,

Starfleet as fuck

aniki ,

lower decks lower decks!

mckean , avatar

Sure. but still, final space deserves some credit.

Evil_Shrubbery ,

It absolutely does, so epic & grand scale everything.

ech , to Star Trek in ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Finds New Home At Netflix After Paramount+ Cancellation

So you’re saying it’s already cancelled again.

_stranger_ ,

new record incoming, removed from the service before even being added.

BertramDitore , to Work Reform in It’s A Deal! WGA & AMPTP Reach Tentative Agreement To End Writers Strike avatar

This is such good news! I wonder if the incredibly effective and creative UAW strikes made them realize they were fucked if they didn’t get reasonable. The public is squarely on the side of the workers, in all the different labor actions going on right now. When this many different industries say enough is enough and take a stand, it’s hard to ignore who has the real power.

ram OP , avatar

Good point! I also think it’s interesting this is days after several talk shows ended up being pressured into staying off the air pending the WGA strikes. Could be that they were gonna try using talk shows to normalize scabbing until the unilateral public backlash made it clear they wouldn’t get their way?

Mouselemming ,

Whether or not it was that calculated, the backlash and pullout showed the producers they were going to have a hard time filling the schedule with unscripted reality shows and ad-libbed talk shows. Especially if they couldn’t get anyone with any talent in improvising to “not act” in them.

beefcat , avatar

This is mostly hearsay (supported by things the WGA said, so I trust it), but not all members of the AMPTP were happy with the strike going this long and wanted to negotiate a lot sooner.

Earlier this month there was talk of some members leaving so they could negotiate new contracts independently. This might have lit a fire under the ass of the holdouts, since the AMPTP losing someone big like Disney would significantly weaken their own negotiating power.

PizzasDontWearCapes ,

Interesting. We’re seeing something similar with the UAW as Ford seems more willing to negotiate

The automakers aren’t a single block, so separate contracts need to be signed to end the strike, but any manufacturer still being targeted would be at a major disadvantage to any others that have ended their strikes

BertramDitore , avatar

Ah that’s good context, thanks. It seems like it’s mostly a positive, since it would give labor even more leverage to improve the contracts that haven’t been negotiated yet. I’m just happy that progress is being made at all. The longer this goes, the more the studios’ reputation will suffer. I hope the public says strong with their support if this deal falls through for some reason.

cupcakezealot , to Star Trek in ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Finds New Home At Netflix After Paramount+ Cancellation avatar

i like prodigy but i hate netflix :(

AdmiralShat ,


TubeTalkerX ,

She’s still dead ……. :(

cupcakezealot , avatar

hello guybrush threepwood you sure are mighty

samus12345 , avatar

How appropriate. You fight like a cow!

andthenthreemore , avatar

At least you’ll be able to find it on the high seas now, rather than it rotting on some hard drive in the back of a cupboard.

Lettuceeatlettuce , to Work Reform in It’s A Deal! WGA & AMPTP Reach Tentative Agreement To End Writers Strike avatar

Collective action gets the goods! When united as one, we have immense power, love to see it!

Stamets , to Star Trek in ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Finds New Home At Netflix After Paramount+ Cancellation avatar


Wilziac , to Work Reform in It’s A Deal! WGA & AMPTP Reach Tentative Agreement To End Writers Strike

Id be very interested to see what demands they got and what had to be negotiated. Had that been released yet?

Zagorath , avatar

Yeah it’s also be fascinated to see what points the WGA was willing to concede, if any, and how much the AMPTP was convinced to give up the main things the WGA was demanding.

Unfortunately it sounds like even members of the guild aren’t being told that info yet, let alone the public.

Mouselemming ,

It makes some sense for them to get some sleep and get ready for a big press conference in the morning. Because there’s going to be a lot of immediate debate once it’s out, and they want to be on top of that. Even if they got everything they asked for.

bstix ,

That’s normal for this kind of negotiation. It would be horrible to unleash the press and public opinion on the representatives who have to sign the agreements. There will always be some who aren’t satisfied with the outcome, but in negotiations during a conflict it’s often a good idea to postpone some of the more specific wishes to the next ordinary round of negotiations, so that an agreement can be made at all. Some things are easier to achieve through ongoing dialogues instead of potentially obstructing an agreement on wider issues. Quite often it happens that a conflict is resolved with only little improvements, but with the following negotiations completing the wishlist.

GoodAaron , (edited ) to Star Trek in ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Finds New Home At Netflix After Paramount+ Cancellation

Hi everyone! Netflix by far is the best home for Prodigy in the current streaming landscape.

They have the largest media share and Star Trek has historically done exceptionally well on their service — this opens the door for more seasons of our show.

Animated shows like “The Dragon Prince” have run up to seven seasons on Netflix.

“Longmire” was saved from cancellation and was renewed for an additional five seasons by Netflix. So was “Lucifer,” and many others.

Feel free to celebrate!

linux2647 ,

Thank you for bringing us Prodigy in the first place! It such a great show and I’m so glad to hear it find a new home. Keep up the great work!

Sanctus , to Work Reform in Hollywood Studios’ WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks avatar

They should start their own studios then. Leave this businesses with nothing but the AI they wanted.

XbSuper ,

Definitely easier said than done, but I would love to see this.

Sanctus , avatar

It would be hard but I would have an even harder time working for people who tried to starve me and my family out of a home.

Vordus ,

Fun fact: that’s how United Artists started.

kobra , to Work Reform in Hollywood Studios’ WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks

I hope the writers and actors can give them a fully featured ‘find out’ experience for all this fucking around they’re doing.

Bakkoda ,

I think the biggest problem is most studios (whatever that means nowadays) have the pockets to wait it out for a while and have no problems generating absolute dog shit content and pawning it off on the customers.

Kecessa , to Work Reform in It’s A Deal! WGA & AMPTP Reach Tentative Agreement To End Writers Strike

It’s not a deal until the members vote in favor of it and sometimes the union gets surprised by its members.

Prouvaire , to Star Trek in Manny Coto Dies: Emmy-Winning ’24’ EP Who Created AI Drama ‘Next’ & Worked On ‘Star Trek: Enterprise’, ‘American Horror Story’ & ‘Dexter’ Was 62

ENT was basically watered down TNG for its first two seasons. Some of the time it was good (eg "Carbon Creek"), some of the time it was bad (eg "Precious Cargo"), but most of the time it was stultifyingly mediocre. Season 3 tried something different, but it was only in season 4 that ENT found its true voice.

And it was Manny Coto who was responsible for the upswing in quality. I'm generally skeptical of prequels, but at least Coto fully bought into the premise of ENT being a prequel show, and showed us how various aspects of Trek lore came to be. I think his stint running that final season may have been his best work.

startrekexplained , (edited )

Or watered down VOY. The first two seasons had its gems (Cold Front, Shuttlepod One, Carbon Creek, Minefield, Future Tense, Regeneration are a few) but the series imo didnt get good until its 3rd and 4th seasons, largely due to Coto and Sussman taking over.

Prouvaire ,

Hah! Normally I say that VOY is TNG-lite and ENT is VOY-lite, but decided to skip a generation this time. 😅

Disgustoid , to Star Trek in Manny Coto Dies: Emmy-Winning ’24’ EP Who Created AI Drama ‘Next’ & Worked On ‘Star Trek: Enterprise’, ‘American Horror Story’ & ‘Dexter’ Was 62

RIP Manny. 62 is way too young. Fuck cancer.

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