
Minarble , to Politics in Trump Can’t Go Home Again

Xcreting on X

adroidBalloon , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
@adroidBalloon@lemmy.ml avatar

Alito: “Regulate us, I dare you!

Congressional Dems: “Hold our beers…"

judgeholden ,

lol they won’t do anything

NumbersCanBeFun ,
@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

People said the same shit about the trump indictments right after all that shit happened with the election interference. Justice is a slow and methodical process and I’m tired of explaining it to dipshits like you who want to post a cool comment on some random social media site like you’re calling them out on something new. Can you please shut the fuck up and open a book next time? Thanks.

sadreality ,

A lot of bravado over here... Do you feel like you are playing on the team? Some strong emotional responses.

keeb420 ,

There's more the justice dept an do then what the currently gridlocked congress can do.

RickRussell_CA ,

Can you explain it to dipshits like me? As I read the Constitution, impeachment is the only remedy to remove a Federal judge, and success requires a supermajority of the Senate.

Boddhisatva ,

The Exceptions Clause states "In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make." (emphasis mine)

Congress can regulate SCOTUS. In point of fact, Congress can define what cases the court has jurisdiction over with the exception of "Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party." In those cases, SCOTUS has final say per the Constitution, but in all other cases, Congress could assign final appellate authority to a lower court.

norbert ,
@norbert@kbin.social avatar

Remember that time that rich and powerful member of the elite ruling class got held accountable for fucking anything?

Me neither.

Zorque ,

Hey, they get held accountable sometimes... when they affect other rich and powerful members of the elite ruling class.

FlashMobOfOne ,
@FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org avatar

More like this:

Congressional Dems: “If we say really mean things about Alito, it’s cool that nothing changed, right?”

hystericallymad ,

Kavanaugh: “I like beer!”

elementalguy2 ,

And Squee.

argv_minus_one ,

Senate Republicans: loud evil laugh, mustache pinching, etc

adroidBalloon ,
@adroidBalloon@lemmy.ml avatar

ahem, I believe it’s mustache-twirling…

discusseded ,



Pinch pinch pinch, pinch pinch.

UlyssesT ,

Alito: “Regulate us, I dare you!”

Congressional Dems: “Hold our beers…"

Narrator voice: They did not actually regulate Alito. Ever. And they sip wine instead of beer.

the-democrat 🍷 🍷 the-republican

Boddhisatva , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated

“No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period,” Alito told the Journal.

This dumb shit really should read the Constitution.

Art III.S2.C2.6 Exceptions Clause and Congressional Control over Appellate Jurisdiction

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

Congress absolutely has, per the Constitution, clear authority to regulate the SCOTUS. How's this for an exception. The Supreme Court shall have no Jurisdiction in any case where any member of the court has a conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest and refuses to recuse themselves?

Syldon , to Politics in Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers
@Syldon@feddit.uk avatar

Doesn’t this leave the original lawyer open to some sort of complaint. If he told his client to perjure himself then surely this can have consequences.

AFKBRBChocolate , to Politics in Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers

A Trump employee who monitored security cameras at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate abruptly retracted his earlier grand jury testimony and implicated Trump and others in obstruction of justice just after switching from an attorney paid for by a Trump political action committee to a lawyer from the federal defender’s office in Washington, prosecutors said in a court filing Tuesday.

The aide — described as “Trump Employee 4” in public court filings but identified elsewhere as Yuscil Taveras — held the title of director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. He initially testified to a grand jury in Washington, D.C., that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos, but after getting the new attorney “immediately … retracted his prior false testimony” and detailed the alleged effort to tamper with evidence related to the investigation of the handling of classified information stored at Trump’s Florida home, the new submission said.

I’m still not holding my breath until I see Trump facing actual consequences, but he sure does look to be screwed.

SuckMyWang ,

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  • Piecemakers3Dprints ,
    @Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

    the point of having a justice system is other than for it to be used on “lesser” folk.

    This has always been the case. See citations with fines = poor tax. Or, public defenders. Or, the SCoTUS having been saturated in corruption for decades now — if ever there were a moment it wasn’t, in fact. Or, any one of the myriad ways the justice system is anything but

    It doesn’t matter if he suddenly suicides by double-tap and a 17 story swan dive. This country’s a hair’s breadth from full-on, unfettered fascism, and then our oh-so precious Democracy™ will be well & truly fucked. We should all, worldwide, be thinking of what we do at that point, not crossing fingers Drumpf gets his just desserts. (Though that would certainly be refreshing, yes.)

    p03locke ,
    @p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Here’s the justice math:

    • Poor person wrongs a poor person = whatever, let the police figure it out and maybe they’ll randomly get justice, the rich don’t care
    • Poor person wrongs a rich person = they’re fucked and buried by the justice system
    • Rich person wrongs a poor person = slap on the wrist, and only because the poor person wasted a lot of money to get there
    • Rich person wrongs multiple rich people = Justice actually gets served because the rich pour all of their resources to get them there (see Bernie Madoff, Elizabeth Holmes, etc.)

    Hell, the rich will even put up with some other rich person’s bullshit, as long as they are useful in some other capacity. This is Trump, but Trump has outlived his usefulness, so he’s getting thrown to the wolves.

    P1r4nha ,

    running for president

    Looks to me more like running from the law

    PugJesus , to Politics in Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    Trump Attorney: "No, don't worry, you can beat this, just don't admit to anything."

    Actual Attorney: "Jesus Christ, dude, you are so fucking hosed."

    adespoton , to Politics in Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers

    The interesting bit to me here is about Woodward. He appeared to be advising certain clients in a way that was both illegal and which put the client paying the bills at an advantage.

    Worth another investigation, I’d say.

    LillyPip , to Politics in Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers
    @LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar


    So the trump lawyer syndicate is advising clients to perjure themselves to help the boss, and sensible independent lawyers are saying fuck that, do you really want to go to jail for decades for that shyster who doesn’t care about you and won’t even pay your bills?

    Lol worst crime family ever and everyone saw this coming. Where’s my tiny violin?

    queermunist , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Unless they start impeaching Justices, he’s completely right. Impeach or shut the fuck up “Progressives”.

    kitonthenet ,

    With what votes?

    queermunist , (edited )
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    If the vote fails (as it likely would) then we can see which politicians are our enemies and need to be replaced. The failed vote could be used as a rallying cry to motivate voters and spark protests and generate momentum for reform.

    Without a vote, nothing happens.

    FlashMobOfOne ,
    @FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org avatar

    Without a vote, nothing happens.

    Feels like that’s the point.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Exactly! AOC and other so-called Progressives are allowed to speak out against the dominant political line and act like they’re anti-establishment, but they don’t have to actually humiliate any other members of the Party by putting them to a vote.

    kitonthenet ,

    Ok, how can they call a vote?

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    That’s harder, obviously. They need the Speaker to call for impeachment proceedings, which isn’t happening without drastic measures.

    He also is only one man. He has an address. He has friends and family. He has business interests and donors and a whole host of private interests. He has investments and properties and associates.

    Those are all legitimate targets. There are millions of people that would move on AOCs command. She could call on all her supporters to make McCarthy’s life a living hell. He’s just one man. He can be defeated by the masses.

    kitonthenet ,

    While I appreciate your forthrightness about the need to kill the speaker of the house, I don’t think that is going to go over well with the people I’d need it to go over well with

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Woah hold up, I mean his life needs to become a living hell; not literally send him to hell.

    CaptObvious ,

    Nobody said that, and you know it. Stick to the topic. Your lack of logic and bad faith are showing.

    acastcandream ,

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  • queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Protests can be targeted?

    acastcandream ,

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  • queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    I said we should make his life a living hell! That doesn’t imply I want him dead.

    Okay, so to clarify: I want protesters to surround his house so he can never sleep again. I want them to follow him wherever he goes. I want them to go after his friends and family and business associates and donors. Beyond directly targeting people, there’s also boycotts and strikes which could be used to target his investments. Disruptive and nonviolent direct action would also be part of it.

    Mass mobilization on as many fronts as possible to hurt McCarthy in every way imaginable, but it needs to be a living hell or else he’ll just be replaced with another demon.

    CaptObvious ,

    I’ll have to disagree on going after friends, family, and acquaintances. Go after him, his political funders and handlers, his businesses, and business affiliates if necessary. But leave the innocent bystanders out of it.

    CaptObvious ,

    I don’t think “stochastic” means what you think it means.

    Your deliberate attempt to misconstrue a clear call to nonviolent action into something that you can screech about or even claim as a threat is laughable. Honestly, if this is the best straw man the Right’s geniuses can come up with, it’s no wonder they’ve lost the new culture war.

    acastcandream ,

    I don’t engage with people who equate “disagreement” with “ignorance” simply because they lack the humility/imagination to consider they may be wrong. Have a good one.

    CaptObvious ,

    Friend, if you were simply disagreeing, we might have a conversation. You’re not. You’re deliberately twisting a call for non-violent protest into a conspiracy to murder the Speaker of the House of Representatives. That is not simple disagreement. That is disengenuously creating a strawman in a way meant to frighten the person opposing you into silence. It’s a typical tactic used by those who know they’ve lost the argument but whose egos won’t let them acknowledge it.

    You have a good life, too.

    Lemmylefty ,
    @Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

    There are millions of people that would move on AOCs command.

    I’m sorry what? Agreeing with her, voting for her, campaigning for her: none of that is anything like the coordinated, multi-pronged and likely months long harassment campaign you’re talking about.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Maybe they wouldn’t be willing to physically show up at a sit-in or something, but those people are still willing to participate in smaller ways and that still counts.

    keeb420 ,

    The ones we would think need to be replaced are largely in republican controlled areas. So that would likely gain them support from their base.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    There are millions of people who don’t vote because they believe it doesn’t matter. Reaching them would change everything.

    keeb420 ,

    While I agree on the point that dems should be trying to reach disaffected voters in red states and that these Republicans who would vote against ethics for tc justices should be replaced. I don't see this doing that if they couldn't already with how corrupt the republican party openly is now.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    They don’t care because they see that Democrats aren’t doing anything that matters anyway. Why bother voting for the do-nothing party?

    keeb420 ,

    Dems in the last 3 years have done more than trump and Republicans in 4. If they can't bother to see reality then that's on them.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    No one cares about one do-nothing party doing more than another do-nothing party.

    And you know what? They also did some really bad shit too. Breaking the railroad strike was unforgivable to a lot of voters, me included, because it shows me Democrats are not actually on the side of organized labor. They’re all talk.

    If they can’t bother to see reality then that’s on them.

    Democrats victim blaming the masses is another reason they don’t show up to vote. I voted. My state still went to hell with fascist culture war bullshit and the Democrats didn’t stop it.

    keeb420 ,

    What are democrats supposed to kidnap them and force them to vote? I could agree that dems need to be much better at messaging but they can't force people to pay attention to what's happening.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    I already told you; if the vote fails (as it likely would) then it could be used as a rallying cry to motivate voters and spark protests and generate momentum for reform. People don’t care about voting because Democrats always lose. If AOC told her supporters to make McCarthy’s life a living hell and forced him to hold a vote, nonvoters would see Democrats are willing to play hardball and act!

    keeb420 ,

    If people aren't paying attention to how openly corrupt the republican party as a whole is, this vote won't do much to change that. There's playing hardball and then there's giving your opponents an easy W.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    These people aren’t watching the news. What they need is to see Tiktok videos of people screaming at McCarthy and making him cry.

    But you know what? Let’s say you’re right! Have you really thought about what that means? If America is too divided to impeach corrupt Justices and too divided to oust fascists from the government? If the only solution is to have a filibuster proof supermajority?

    That means America is doomed, nothing will ever get better, and we’ll just circle the drain until we all fucking die. Cool!

    keeb420 ,

    You're just making that realization... we've been in this place since Republicans first blocked trumps impeachment solely on political grounds. Hell at least since Obamas last Supreme Court pick was blocked.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Now you’re contradicting yourself. Is your stance basically “nothing works so we shouldn’t try anything”?

    That just seems like a reason to try everything. No matter how risky, trying is better than not trying because we’re fucked anyway. If America is doomed, then AOC should be using her platform to actually prepare for that instead of wasting time playing House.

    keeb420 ,

    If you can't already hear thomas boasting "I just beat a Democrat led witchhunt..." I don't know what to tell you. And the republican base would eat that up. It's would be a very easy win for Republicans.

    queermunist , (edited )
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Who fucking cares? America is doomed no matter what, it’s an easy win for Republicans no matter what happens.

    They’re going to kill me. I’m trans. Clock is ticking before they either put me in a conversion therapy camp or just take away my access to hormones, but either way I’m fucking dead. What the fuck are Democrats doing about that? NOTHING!

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    Which worked so well through TWO failed Trump impeachments…

    Impeachment without removal is pointless. So step 1 HAS to be getting the majority back in the house AND getting a 2/3rds majority in the Senate.

    Once you do that, I’d argue for a new Amendment. Ethics rules + age limits.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    If you haven’t noticed, Trump isn’t President anymore.

    The impeachments galvanized voters. Duh?

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    Impeachment had no impact on voters, if anything, quite the opposite, which is why we have a Republican run House of Representatives right now and the balance of power in the Senate hasn’t changed.

    We need a 2/3rds majority in the House and Senate to start making massive changes.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    How can you say impeachment had no impact when Trump literally lost? The fact that the House was lost 2 years after that was because voters saw that Democrats are worthless do-nothing losers that refuse to do anything when they win.

    We need a 2/3rds majority in the House and Senate to start making massive changes.

    If that’s true then I should just kill myself now because it will never happen for the rest of my miserable life

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    Because after impeaching him the House immediately flipped? Ya think? Impeachment was well recieved in the bubble, not so much outside the bubble.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    After impeaching him Democrats took control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency.

    It was 2 years after that that the House flipped, and even then Republicans still failed to take back the Senate and under-performed all expectations.

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    Trumps 2nd impeachment was January 13th, 2021.

    The next election was 2022 and the House flipped. Literally flipped, 222 Democrats in the 117th Congress to 222 Republicans in the 118th.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    I’m sure the parade of Democrat failures that happened over the next 20 fucking months had nothing to do with it!

    Nope, just that one thing. No other possible reasons people would be less enthusiastic for Democrats.

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    One thing can have power. 2024 will see it flip the other way because of abortion. People don’t forget this shit.

    Potatos_are_not_friends ,


    FlashMobOfOne ,
    @FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org avatar


    You can say whatever you want for publicity when you know you won’t lift a finger to make any of it happen.

    keeb420 ,

    What more could aoc do here? She can't force a vote on it. And even if she could it'd be shot down with the current congress.

    FlashMobOfOne ,
    @FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org avatar

    This is my favorite thing about the modern Democratic Party: the intense desire to get credit for excuses.

    keeb420 ,

    It's not an excuse when it's describing the reality of the situation. Dems can't call a vote here and if they could somehow force a vote it would get voted down just by numbers. Republicans don't care they are openly corrupt.

    spider ,

    Impeach or shut the fuck up “Progressives”.

    At least they could use it to fundraise, right?

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    Impeachment starts in the House, which is currently run by Republicans. So that’s a non-starter unless you want to impeach Kagan, Sotomayor or Brown-Jackson.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Impeachment is solely at the discretion of McCarthy. The rest of the House doesn’t matter.

    And he’s just one man.

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    You need a majority vote in the house and the Republican majority will NEVER vote to impeach a Republican Supreme Court justice when there’s a Democratic President. Will never happen.

    This is the same political body who needed 15 votes to decide who their own leader was.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    I’m pretty sure impeachment proceedings can just be started by McCarthy whenever he wants.

    Removal requires a majority so that won’t happen, but impeachment matters. Do you think Trump lost for no reason?

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    House leadership doesn’t do anything without knowing the votes are there first and they are absolutely not there.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    McCarthy can be made to do anything with enough mass mobilization against him.

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    The problem is any mass mobilization against him will come from those further Right, not Left.

    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    Only because none of the Left’s political leadership is willing to actually mobilize the masses!

    Which is what I’ve been calling for this whole thread!

    jordanlund ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.one avatar

    In the House, the Left is in the minority, the entire Democratic body could mobilize against McCarthy and he wouldn’t give two shits, because as far as he’s concerned, they’re already against him. They’re the minority, he doesn’t have to care.

    CaptObvious ,

    Didn’t his own right wing force him to allow any single representative to essentially call a no-confidence vote?

    spider , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated

    Anyone else notice how the two arguably worst Supreme Court justices were nominated by the so-called “moderate” Bush family?

    njm1314 ,

    Hey now, give those Trump appointees time. They’re still learning. I’m sure they’ll be unredeemable monsters soon.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

    Gorsuch is really weird. He’s always gonna be theirs but he’s gonna side with us in really weird ways sometimes. I don’t think he’ll ever be Alito levels.

    Astroturfed ,

    Bush is only moderate now that we have fascists and terrorist as a segment of the party. I wish we could stop acting like Republicans were ever reasonable. At least in recent history.

    CaptObvious ,

    Only because those enthroned by McConnell and his stooge in the White House haven’t been there long enough to show a track record. Give it time.

    RickRussell_CA , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated

    Well, here’s the problem. Alito is correct, that Congress can’t impose “ethics rules” on the court.

    The sole remedy given to the people is impeachment, and Bribery is explicitly listed as a valid basis for impeachment under Article 1.

    We would never get an impeachment through the Senate, of course.

    Rivalarrival ,

    There is a second remedy: constitutional amendment. Not sure exactly who should be watching the watchers if it’s not Congress. But we can assign someone to do so.

    Maybe a supermajority of district court judges should rule on issues involving SCOTUS justices.

    UlyssesT , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated

    pile on

    And do absolutely fucking nothing that actually changes that.

    pinkdrunkenelephants , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated

    This is why we need to overthrow this broken system and put a new one into place.

    TrismegistusMx , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    As long as they’re just whining in response and not taking action they’re proving him right.

    spaceghoti OP ,

    TIL that House Democrats can launch investigations without control over House committees.

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    Wild how the Democrats always have an excuse but the government works flawlessly for Republicans.

    kitonthenet ,

    What’s your excuse for not investigating?

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh, so you’re one of those Blue MAGA fascists who turn to narcissistic abusive tactics when your “team” is criticized.

    kitonthenet ,

    Cry harder lib

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    Just a MAGA fascist then.

    skulblaka ,
    @skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

    Brother I fix cars for a living. It's literally not my job to investigate and I couldn't if I wanted to. We have people for that. It's long past time to hold them accountable.

    kitonthenet ,

    Do so then

    sadreality , (edited )

    Political process is captured and broken, a wage slave has no sway over any of it

    But I am sure next election is different, it will be the one! As long as people vote for "my" team

    spaceghoti OP ,

    Anything works flawlessly when your goal is to not use it. The difference is that Democrats are interested in using the government to promote the common good and Republicans aren’t. But when they’re backed into a corner where no government action would get them crucified (like the COVID bills) Democrats won’t get in the way. Whereas whenever Democrats try the same thing Republicans obstruct and filibuster so they can blame Democrats for their inaction.

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    If we’re gauging by their actions and the results, their goal is to act as the apologist branch of our Republican government.

    spaceghoti OP ,

    Except they do and have accomplished things to help. The fact that they haven’t done more is proof that we’re never satisfied. It would be easier to do if Republicans hadn’t decided their path to power is to obstruct and blame everything on Democrats, but we no longer live in that world. Let’s acknowledge reality instead of helping Republicans blame Democrats for their hindrance.

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ll believe that when the Democrats stop making excuses.

    spaceghoti OP ,

    How is describing the reality in front of you an excuse?

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    Because the government works in favor of Republicans and against Democrats every single time. Because Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, and KKK Leader Robert Byrd are/were pals. Because Biden rode the term “welfare queen” to the presidency. Because Kamala Harris is a cop and a DA. Because if it isn’t Manchin it’s Sinema. Because “The Squad” only swings their ladydicks when the stakes are low, and spend the rest of their time conveniently allowing the Republicans to operate with impunity. Because Marjorie Taylor Greene is still allowed in DC. Because because because becaaaause!!!

    spaceghoti OP ,

    And when they get the votes to bypass Republican obstruction, they deliver for the nation. Which is more than I can say for Republicans, who only serve the donor class.

    But please, continue to be smug in your enlightened centrism. You won’t hear from me again.

    TrismegistusMx ,
    @TrismegistusMx@lemmy.world avatar

    Twice in my life the popular vote was overridden by the electoral college to install a Republican, and look who’s crying about stolen elections, and look who’s dragging out the investigation.

    LetMeEatCake ,

    Republicans control the house and the senate is still subject to the filibuster and likely will remain that way until the next time there is 52+ dem senators + dem house + dem president simultaneously.

    brimnac ,

    Yeah, but think of how effective the empty gestures would be!


    queermunist ,
    @queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

    So? That still means he’s right!

    skellener , to Politics in Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
    @skellener@kbin.social avatar

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