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islandmonkeee , in 3rd party app for Reddit, Boost, is still functioning well after July 1st avatar

The thing is that it really is no longer about 3rd party apps working or not, rather, the level of disrespect displayed from Reddit towards us, their userbase. That's why I'm not going back.

AlecSadler ,

Exactly. Relay user here and it'll continue to function but...

  1. Fuck spez
  2. I don't care to support reddit anymore
  3. Reddit's content for my feed is already turning to garbage. I'm already finding kbin and lemmy better.

Good riddins.

Oshka , avatar

Exactly this. There is now actual conversarion and I'm finding interesting content again.

Anomalous_Llama ,

I’m struggling to find as much interesting content as I did on Reddit. BUT I am much more easily finding pleasant conversations. And that I think is more important.

I’m posting more here than I did on Reddit because I want to be the change I want! Also I’m still learning to navigate this place too. I like it though.

TravelsInObscurity ,

The bots posted most of the interesting content in Reddit, and it’s unhealthy to have a constant stream of “interesting” content to browse through. For the time being, this seems much more organic content, and there is actually a bottom to hit in terms of content which makes me want to do something besides endlessly scroll.

Oshka , avatar

I'm having a different experience with the content but can understand where you are coming from. I spent a lot of time searching out the niche communities I'm interested in and subscribing across all the instances i can find. Trying to actually post more too and encourage others.

The conversation aspect is so true though. It's been the most present surprise and is part of what's driving me to engage and start posting.

GataZapata ,

Nr. 3 is the main point. I prefer less content if it's not reposts, ragebait and bots

islandmonkeee , avatar

And TikTok reposts. I was getting fed up of them on /r/StupidFood....

ginerel , avatar

I was a RedReader user for quite a while (as in years). While being a bit spartan, I found it to be the best Reddit app for my preferences. Period.

But indeed, nowadays, there is actual (great) content on Lemmy and Kbin, and I am willing to get to it. Not much time left for Reddit. Sorry, spez, fuck you!

ClassyDave ,

Good riddance?

meldroc ,

Exactly. Even if spez rolled everything back, I'm not going back.

All trust in Reddit is now destroyed because of Spez.

Scott , avatar

Fact is even if Reddit rolled back the changes it’d be the classic “let’s see how far we can push our user base then we’ll roll that back to acceptable levels while slowly pushing those limits through later updates” strategy

conciselyverbose ,

Give Apollo a contract guaranteeing free API access until the end of time without nonsense restrictions on content and maybe I'd think about it. Short of that I'm all set.

(No it's not just Apollo. But he's the most wronged and the one I use.)

EvilMonkeySlayer ,

His name is Steve Huffman, using Spez means he gets to avoid a lot of the public criticism through google searches etc.

Bendersmember , avatar

After the whole Brock turner the rapist crusade (deserved) I've been sitting here scratching my head why spez wasn't named and shamed with his real name by the same group.

aeternum ,

Did I mention, "fuck spez"?

Iwasherefirst ,

Same. I used to use the official app because when I started using Reddit, I was not aware of third party apps. Then it was just inertia. After this fiasco started, I started trying various apps and used sync for the last 3 weeks. Now i'm here.

nepenthes ,

LJ (Sync dev) said he'd look at Kbin after he gets Sync for Lemmy up :)

const_void ,

Yep. Fuck Reddit. It's fallen to the normies now. I'm glad to have my tech nerd discussions and news here in the fediverse now.

TThor ,

Reddit has made clear they have no respect for their users, especially their most active users responsible for creating and moderating their content. No matter what reddit does or doesn't do now, it is obvious it will continue to get worse.

IninewCrow , avatar

It's also a wake up call to those who created content and did tons of free moderating for no gain other than personal prestige ... it is making us all realize that whenever we put in extra effort into a social media website that is privately owned - we create the content and reason for the sites existence but we don't financially benefit from it, someone else does who did no work to create any of it other than to claim ownership over everything.

It's the same old story from a thousand years ago or even the arguments of worker rights from the 1800s ... we create the means of production but we receive no benefit from our work

Bendersmember , avatar

Little late to the game on this one but I did finally get my words to reflect how and why I feel I do about this situation, I commented it recently on another post but I'm gonna drop it here again as I hope it can add to this discussion.

I quit when rif went down. I've never used an official app, desktop site, mobile site etc. Rif was Reddit to me for 10 years. Maybe leaving as a collective will make some difference, maybe not, but I'm going to start being more firm on how much I'll let companies try to push me around expecting me to just take it. They built it on our backs, then just took it away so a literal select few can cash in, when they are already filthy rich and had other options.

I've been explaining it to others as if you broke your phone. Now it's frustrating getting used to a new phone, but it has lots of new features you never even thought of that make up for the inconveniences. Sure I could go back to my old phone, it's comfortable to use, but the screen is broken and it cuts me now and again, and over time it'll cut me more often. I'd rather get used to the new phone.

This past year I've dealt with food going up, gas, utilities, rent, hell cigarettes and even beer, my fishing license went up. Every single nook and cranny they can pull a cent from you they will.
I'm done choosing to let them. If they want my data, my attention, my content, they can pull it from my cold dead hands damnit.

Ok weird ass Braveheart speech over and out.

AnonymousLlama , avatar

2023 certainly does feel like the year where you're getting less for more.

Bendersmember , avatar

Hey at least they're doing it across the board for all us plebs, that way it's fair and can affect everything.

Moogly ,

The leadership is too much for me. Too many right wing shitbirds with conspiracy delusions, too much open partying with Ghislaine(sp?) Maxwell, and too many mishandled scandals relating to sexual content with minors.

Huffman (Spez) gave some interview where he talks about civilization falling and he’d “be a slaver rather than a slave” (paraphrasing, I don’t have the interview open) which is just wild because he’s scrawny as fuck.

There’s always rumors of an IPO but I feel like the current staff isn’t fit to head a public company and would crumble under wide public scrutiny like on the markets

bioemerl ,

he’d “be a slaver rather than a slave”

Wouldn't you if you were given that decision and it was even or?

It's a stupid world to you because it's never either or, but people like spez rarely have the tact to think that far.

Moogly ,

It’d be a preferable situation if it were either/or but even then I realize I’m probably not big and bad enough to strong arm myself into that position everyone else would rather have.

Spez is/was a doomsday prepper though I think he figures he’s got an edge over everyone else

AnonymousLlama , avatar

The only thing I'll be giving Reddit is my traffic, more than happy to lurk the comment but I definitely won't be posting, commenting, upvoting/downloading or helping admins by reporting spam and rule violations. None of that effort anymore

HeartyBeast , avatar

The only thing I'll be giving Reddit is my traffic,

Just to bear in mimd that traffic is the metric that they use when selling to advertisers. Not criticising you, just pointing it out.

Moogly ,

Traffic quality plays a big role too. If you never click on or engage with any ads your visits aren’t worth much anyway. You could even vpn yourself from a poor country and be considered even less valuable to the ad machines lol

Sterben , avatar

Agree on that. Even if reddit reverses the API changes I am not sure I will look the same way at the website.

fivezero OP , in Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments avatar

Looks like r/programming discovered the astroturfing, so in true Reddit fashion they simply shut down the subreddit entirely to avoid the spread of negative public sentiment. Thanks for galvanizing my resolve to migrate to the fediverse, Spez

NumbersCanBeFun , avatar

Yeah, after reading this I feel like I made the right choice. I can't believe how quickly Reddit has devolved.

fivezero OP , avatar

Agreed. For years I had truly (and naively) believed that Reddit, despite their prior blunders with which we are now all mostly familiar, would maintain an acceptable level of decency and never push things so far as alienate their core userbase. Shot themselves squarely in the foot on this one I think, as their recent changes affect so many.

theangryseal ,

What a bummer.

I’m doing ok without it though. I didn’t load old.reddit once today.

I probably won’t tomorrow.

I used to look at Reddit in almost all of my downtime at work. Now I’m trying to write when I see nothing new is coming up on Lemmy.

Still though. 15 years on Reddit. Goddamn. It definitely bums me out. I mean, it’s just a website, but it has helped shape so much of who I am.

I’m an atheist in the Bible Belt for example, and atheism being a default sub back in the day really helped me out a lot.

All things must pass.

Neato , avatar

I spend my work downtime the 1 day I have to be in office writing dnd campaign material to save my prep time at home.

CmdrModder ,

I understand your pain with that last point. Being an atheist teen in a family that highly values religious holidays (and more) is a life experience I hope people don't have to go through.

Things got better, as I hope things are well for you.

najoes ,

It does suck. I even met my husband on Reddit! It’s been such a meaningful part of my life.

eleitl ,

I’m waiting for my data takeout, so checking messages once a day. No other engagement beyond that. Lemmy communities are getting really good now.

coyootje ,

It feels more like grabbing 2 shotguns and blasting both feet off at the same time. Unless their goal was to sink Reddit at record speed I have no idea what they’re doing…

Razputinsgirth ,

But that's just the dig they did make horrible decisions that fucked Reddit up. But the 3rd party apps fixed most of those problems. Whenever I look at new Reddit it's literally so much harder and spammy to use. For year's now

Hypx , avatar

It's truly amazing. Even people who knew that Reddit was destined to fail someday, wouldn't have predict it happening so fast.

Pons_Aelius ,

Most people expect gradual change when many things in life are more like punctuated equilibrium.

Stable state despite gradual change in underlying conditions.

Then rapid change to new stable state.

Entropywins , avatar

You've now put a fear in me about my life that I wasn't ready for...

Pons_Aelius ,

Sorry to do that, but I believe the world makes a lot more sense when viewed through the lens of punctuated equilibrium. It does not make things better, just makes the chaos more understandable.

The dot com bubble.

The housing bubble.

Basically every economic bubble all the way back to tulip mania.

The Arab Spring.

The changes in the USA post 9/11.

And most disturbing of all, the recent rapid swing of pretty much all environmental indicators into uncharted territory. Our biosphere may be heading into a phase of rapid change.

Neato , avatar

Nobody wants to change. It's hard and expensive. Until they have to because conditions have required it. Then they change as fast as possible to a new state that works in the new conditions so they can survive.

FaceDeer , avatar

There's also the Ernest Hemmingway quote from The Sun Also Rises:

“How did you go bankrupt?"

“Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

avenged7fold ,

This article felt a little more relevant, recommended by wiki on the one you linked: Punctuated equilibrium in social theory

ForTheEmperah , avatar

It's like Rome 😭

niktemadur , avatar

Like with Twitter, it's a rapid-fire series of knee-jerk reactions, like a hammer, as in - "When you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail", destined to get caught, to not fix what you were supposedly trying to fix, to generate deeper and more baffling situations in the process, to fail.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess , avatar

Shut down, you say? Every subreddit should post such truths, you say? Reddit will atomize itself instantly, you say?

Okay, maybe not but it's a fun thought, no?

foggy ,

I noticed this happened before the reddit blackouts. I haven’t been to reddit since. Is this a new occurrence of the same ChatGPT astroturfing or is this that same news?

BarbecueCowboy ,

r/programming was one of the earliest subreddits, I think it was actually #2. Can't view it anymore, but the moderation team of r/programming would have been pretty reddit admin/staff heavy. Pretty sure spez was listed on the moderation team at one point.

McBinary , avatar

Wow. Just checked. The newest post in that sub is 3 weeks old.

Rabbithole OP , (edited ) in Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees.

The mod's response to Reddit, in case people don't want to go there:

According to them, your favourite subreddits going NSFW is too much for you to understand. The infamous Mod Code of Conduct messaged us, demanding we switch back, because “you’re likely confused by all the NSFW content you’ve been seeing”.

They didn’t allow us to reply, so we couldn’t explain that this is a subreddit for an 18+ game, nor has any of our content changed. This subreddit should have been NSFW already, but we’d never thought to change it until recently.

Until we change it back we’re in violation of Reddit’s sitewide rules. We’re not going to change it back, because this is a sexually explicit game, and also fuck them.

If we’re removed at least we got to go out on an fantastically fun flair event (don’t worry this won’t stop your flair from being added I promise), and if this sub changes back from NSFW then you know you’re no longer in control of it.

Rest assured; we have 77 fans all over Reddit, with r/lowsodiumcyberpunk being a decent fall back. We’ve never worked together on anything, but we’ve made an effort to stay on good terms with one another, and I trust them to take care of you all.

Edit: this has hit r/all choombas so assume there are a lot of people here just to feed on the drama

Some time after posting this here, the mods added a second edit:

Edit: since hitting r/all there have been a bunch of accounts created in the last month attacking us and defending Reddit admins with a vigour I’ve never seen before. That seems suspicious, at the very least

So it seems that someone (probably Reddit themselves) caught wind of this and attempted to astroturf it with bots... Now who's recently been caught doing that?

See c4's post below for a Teddit link of the whole thread:

OpenStars , avatar

Edit: this has hit r/all choombas so assume there are a lot of people here just to feed on the drama

Hehe, and also not there too:-).

Madison_rogue , (edited ) avatar

But has it reached r/SubredditDrama?

It has not. SRD is slacking these days.

Volkditty ,

SRD enthusiasts probably all OD'd in the last couple weeks.

Entropywins , avatar

It sounds like it's just reddit drama at this point no more subreddit...

Madison_rogue , avatar

Trust me, before I deleted my account there were so many users in the sub salivating at all the unfolding drama. While they didn't participate in the blackout, I wonder how many migrated to Fedi. Might indicate why there isn't as much activity as I remember.

Rabbithole OP , (edited )

SRD have been having a goddamn feeding frenzy the past few weeks.

But I could definitely see some of them getting burned out from excess joy. :D

rustyfish , avatar

I am one of them. Only that I wallowed in the drama AND THEN participated in the protests.

I lurk there once in a while and yes, it is fucking dead. That whole sub just fell dead with the only active posts not even being drama at all.

Compare it what it looked like two months ago. Back then I thought that sub would be the last one to still stand, before it too imploded. But no! Everyone who made that sub so funny already migrated here (love y’all, you beautiful fucks) and all that’s left are these sad excuses of posters and commenters.

Madison_rogue , avatar

That whole sub just fell dead with the only active posts not even being drama at all.

After all that hype of how dramatic things would be...yesterday half a dozen posts down on the front page and the posts are 2 days old. Buckets and buckets of popcorn all laid waste...a shell of what it once was...all the buttery goodness is lost in tears in rain.

FaceDeer , avatar

For some reason /r/SubredditDrama is awash in admin bootlickers these days. Makes the threads on these subjects rather unfun to read.

Rhabuko , avatar

They stayed open during the blackout and the bootlickers used the place to complain about the protests. And when the blackout ended, the bootlickers never left …

Socsa ,

SRD has revealed themselves to be largely bootlickers in all this.

c4 , avatar
Rabbithole OP ,

Thank you. I should have done that myself tbh.

JanoRis ,

I think you still can

Rabbithole OP ,

I didn't want to because it felt like stealing c4's post, so I just upvoted and boosted it instead.

Valid point though, I edited the main post so that it links to their comment now.

Xeelee , avatar

Wow, I've never heard of Teddit. I wonder how long they will still be around.

palordrolap ,

There's also libreddit, which seems to be an entirely separate project to teddit. Kind of like the Federation, it's software anyone can run and there are quite a few instances out there

TheRazorX ,

My favorite part is the accuracy of all the admin boot licking accounts in the comments never having actually taken part in said subreddit.

Yeah, not sus at all. /s

nevernevermore , in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning. And I personally feel like I won. I showed my support for Christian and 3rd party apps, I abondoned ship quickly and I've found a new home on the fediverse.

I also stopped using facebook and instagram 18 months ago. They both still exist, but I won. I'm happier now without it. Job done.

Poggervania , avatar

This is the mindset people should be having. Reddit is gonna be fine regardless of all this, and time will only tell if the Fediverse becomes big enough to be a competitor as a social media platform.

Truthfully, I was on the fence of leaving Reddit because of how much I didn’t like the hivemind there on the majority of subs. I still go on there for my niche and specific communities that aren’t on the Fediverse, but I pretty much just lurk there once every so often instead of actively participate - I instead actively participate on the Fediverse because the community is genuinely waaaaaay better than Reddit’s community ever was, even with the FOSS app gatekeepers here.

LinusWorks4Mo , avatar


raze2012 ,

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning.

if only. Lotta people really thought they could make reddit worried and that if they rebelled enough they could fix reddit. If it wasn't going to work after that 2-3 day blackout, it wasn't going to work. The mod in that article said it best:

“More than a month has passed, and as things on the internet go, the passion for the protest has waned and people’s attention has shifted to other things,” an r/aww moderator wrote in a post about the rule change.

And yeah, attention span on the internet is low. If you can't fix, it's best to start rebuilding what you want elsewhere. The best time for a backup community was 5 years ago; the second best time is now, so we don't have this problem of "where do we go from Reddit?" in another 5 years. If more people had the courage to leave, it may have ended in a better protest than these attempts to ruin the IPO or whatever.

Better to play the long game for now. This won't be the last drama, and it's simply better to make sure any jank is fixed for the next time people get frustrated and seek greener pastures. That slow burn is how we create a proper platform.

freebread , avatar

Well put

Rabbithole , in What’s with social media companies trying to destroy themselves recently?

You're seeing a bubble burst.

The VC money is drying up and the current social media funding paradigm is breaking because of it.

It's a bit like witnessing the Dot Com bubble burst again tbh.

It's about time we moved on to a better way of doing things anyway, I'm pretty good with moving away from the old ad-based, exploit your community for profit model, personally.

GunnarRunnar ,

It'll be interesting if any of these "owned by the people" platforms will establish themselves the same way the private social media companies have in the past. Mastodon is probably most successful when it comes to a decentralized platform but it's not the there for me at the moment when it comes to the user base.

You can argue that it's not supposed to be Twitter or whatever but you can't deny the usefulness of everyone being an user under the same address or the wealth of information that comes with being giant. Decentralized platforms have an inherent handicap since there will always be moderation that's up to the admin so every instance will differ in some way (and let's not get to the technical problems that at least here are prevalent). It's harder for companies, countries and other official sources to establish themselves because they subject themselves to moderation of a private third party and jumping from instance to instance, forgoing the extra work it is, is just disruptive and confusing to their audience. They could always start their own instance but that's also a lot of work compared to just creating a Twitter account. There might be some business angle here though but it all just seems too convoluted at least for now.

Maybe internet will be just different and less-centralized in the future. At least it's good that the profit seeking private companies have less power.

thehatfox , avatar

The internet used to be more decentralised. There were lots of smaller websites, blogs, forums etc, which people discovered via word of mouth, search engines, and forgotten things like webrings. It's only recently that big monolithic social media platforms took hold.

Tech is often cyclical, we could now be swinging back to a more decentralised web, but with the benefit of newer technologies. Right now it's almost a new "wild west" as new platforms appear and new ideas like federation are experimented with. Some will rise, some will fall, some will go off in the corner and do their own thing. While all that happens it's going to be a bit messy, much like it was in the 90s with the initial rise of the web.

zhaosima ,

I hope you're right, sounds quite exciting!
Could you describe what "webrings" were? I've read about them in a similar thread, but couldn't find any info on them.

anon , avatar

I’ve been online since circa 1993 and for the first decade or so, discoverability was a challenge due to the lack of efficient search engines like Altavista or (later) Google.

Webrings consisted in individual website owners (e.g., on Geocities) placing one or more banners at the bottom of their webpage linking to other like-minded sites, typically in quid-pro-quo manner (I link to you, you link back to me), or to a manually-curated directory of like-minded sites.

This was when “surfing the web” meant exactly that - you would surf from one site to another using hyperlinking within web communities. Bookmarking was then how you kept track of the most interesting sites you came across.

Now there is hardly a need for hyperlinking and bookmarking, since much of the content is centralized on a few platforms, and search engines take care of the discoverability of niche content.

cassetti ,

Phew I feel old remembering webrings lol. Crazy to think how much the internet has changed since those early days thirty years ago.

Anyone else remember Infoseek? It was my favorite search engine because you could select to search within results to refine your search down to a single page of relevant results.

knoland ,

those early days thirty years ago.

I misread this ad thirteen and though, “haha silly it was 20 years ago.” Then re-read it and realized it said thirty.

Then I had to go sit down for a minute and contemplate my impending demise.

psychopomp , avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • zhaosima ,

    Thanks. I now realized, how I came to that conclusion: Last time this was discussed the person called it "link ring" and that didn't not yield any reasonable results.

    Edit: And because notifications for comment replies are deactivated by default I didn't even notice the person has corrected their wording. Still learning how to kbin :).

    elscallr , avatar

    Could you describe what "webrings" were?

    Oh god I feel old

    zhaosima ,

    It's ok, we're all gonna die.

    cassetti ,

    Getting old sucks, but everyone's doing it.

    Montagge , avatar

    Damn peer pressure!

    Raji_Lev , avatar

    I feel like I should be yelling at those damned whippersnappers to get off my lawn, with all their Instagrams and Spotifies and Youtubes

    FaceDeer , avatar

    Also all the people who think Usenet is just an obscure piracy mechanism.

    Usenet was the greatest medium for discussion back in the early Internet days, and I'm excited that it's finally being recreated in the form of this Fediverse thing.

    haakon ,

    All the youngsters think federation is a brand new and exciting innovation. Time is a circle.

    unmarketableplushie , avatar

    So back when search engines were in their infancy, webrings were kinda a big deal. Essentially, they were collections of topic-related websites that agreed to mutually link to each other so that people could find content related to the pages that they were visiting. They kinda died out after Yahoo bought (where most webrings were controlled) and replaced all the webring control pages hosted there with Yahoo pages, and by the time they let go of the domain contemporary search engines had mostly rendered webrings obselete.

    However, there are definitely still webrings around. The official site of maia arson crimew (the hacktivist who made the news for leaking the no-fly list to select journalists) belongs to two webrings, for example. I can definitely see them making more of a comeback among computer enthusiasts if search engines enshittify themselves more.

    Stormy404 , avatar

    interesting point

    GunnarRunnar ,

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing while writing that comment. But I can't shake how cool it is to have every hobby, no matter how small or big, under the same roof, one click away. Someone should to make a search engine that serves this purpose and works well...

    HappySerf ,

    Man, wouldn't they make for a tempting advertising market?

    StenSaksTapir ,

    It's still early days.

    Reddit has been pretty good at not walling off content, but think of all the forums that died and went to hell, being tortured in the afterlife as a facebook group, where all the knowledge people spend time writing down, all the questions being answered, are trapped in the facebook ecosystem, where it's close to impossible to find. This is by design too I believe. I used to be a mod on a hardware forum and we had rules that you needed to search before asking. The opponents to this rule said, that if people just searched, then the forum would die out (it didn't) and I'm quite certain that information on facebook is hidden away, to keep engagement going, by having the same shit being asked and answered over and over in perpetuity.

    I like the idea of going back to forums, but with the added benefits of federation. It's the best of both worlds in my opinion.

    Bluetreefrog ,

    Yes! All of those interesting little nooks and crannies to explore. I'm glad that's coming back by way of the fediverse.

    Don't fear decentralization Millennials, embrace it.

    njordomir ,

    I miss the phpBB days. I was on some great forums and content was curated by people who were passionate about the topics. There were serious spaces, silly spaces, helpful spaces, and malevolent spaces. Google still did a decent job of surfacing real, user-generated content back then. You could always refine your search further to find niche information and that just doesn't work anymore. Everything is brand names and every company is trying to make their brand a verb.

    This recent rebellion between platforms and communities has been interesting to watch. Communities are not locations in cyberspace, they're still people. Now, with the fediverse, thanks to open-source developers and the kind souls who coughed up some dough for server costs, we now have more choices of where we congregate online. I love threaded topic-based conversations so something like this place is exactly where I want to be. I think this unrest may level out in our favor, but if there's a potential for evil, some arrogant jackass will take it, so I don't expect it'll be an easy journey. Enjoying the wild west feel you pointed out, very 90s!

    Niello ,

    On the other hand, I think Fediverse is perfect for companies that want to be closer to their customers, as rare as that may be.

    Another possible use case if Fediverse become popular enough is potential for companies like Nintendo setting up their own instance as the new Miiverse or something.

    sailsperson , avatar

    I wouldn't count on big companies ever going that route, to be honest. The decision-making people there will likely never trust Lemmy or similar software enough because it's not like them - not proprietary, not closed source, so they'll keep wasting money on making their own shitty websites with their own shitty forums if they ever want to give their communities an official place to hang out.

    GunnarRunnar ,

    I can see it but there needs to be a big player first to set an example. Maybe it's Facebook or influencers suddenly flocking in. It won't be fast though.

    insomniac ,

    Do we want companies using Lemmy/kbin/mastodon to advertise to us? If it’s useless to them, that’s awesome

    JoeCoT , avatar

    Don't think of Mastodon like 1000 separate social media sites. Think of Mastodon, think of the Fediverse, like email. Lots of email goes through gmail, and maybe gmail works better with gmail. But email is more than gmail. But despite AOL's best efforts, despite google's best efforts, email is also yahoo, and outlook, and Proton, and MailChimp, and your college email address, and whatever mail server your company spun up, and if you feel like it whatever mail server you setup in your basement. And yes, email has had more complications over the years as google tries to strangle it. But it's the real open platform, and the Fediverse can join it.

    anon , avatar

    I agree that investors requiring demonstrable returns has played a role in this cycle. Steve Huffman is desperate to show profits ahead of Reddit’s IPO, and Musk is desperate to recoup his $44B investment in the blue bird.

    However, I believe that there’s also another consideration. Many of today’s platforms started out with a somewhat idealistic intent. Jack Dorsey wanted Twitter to be an open protocol, though never quite achieved his vision. Aaron Swartz contributed to the open design of early-days Reddit. Facebook was meant as a non-profit university community builder. Google had (and abandoned) a “do no evil” motto. Etc.

    The original user-first approach of these platforms created organic growth and encouraged ambassadorship by motivated users who became frequent contributors, unpaid moderators, etc.

    Over time, however, people moved on (Dorsey, or very sadly Swartz) or got greedy from success (Huffman, Zuckerberg). The focus shifted from user-first to advertiser-first. Platforms like Reddit still used a loss-leader approach of losing investor money on frills such as API because it helped sustain growth for a while longer.

    But once critical mass was reached, there was no longer a need to coddle the most enthusiastic and long-time users. They had exhausted their usefulness. The platforms could finally embrace the advertiser-first model in which the user, not the content, becomes the product.

    So here we are with the worst of both worlds. Reddit could have offered a reasonable paid API plan that would have allowed the thriving third-party ecosystem to retain the power users and contributors. Instead, it went all-in with a walled-garden approach buoyed only by advertising money, even if it means that the content quality dwindles. Twitter also went “private” in the sense that an account is now required to even view the content, and aggressively promotes its paid plan to users –who are still subject to interstitial ads and promoted content– even for basic hygiene features such as 2FA.

    As for why Reddit, Twitter, and Discord shit the bed at almost the same time, part of it has to do with VC pressure (as mentioned by the parent), and part of it is they are the same generation (more or less) of social networks and are reaching an equivalent stage where buyout (Twitter) or IPO (Reddit) is the next logical step.

    The writing is on the wall that a paradigm shift is in order. The pendulum has considerable momentum, though, and will allow the centralized, walled-garden web to thrive for a while longer, just like Facebook survives catering to mostly an audience of unsavvy boomers. But the swing back will gradually enable alternative models to grow that are based on open platforms and federated content. We’re just very, very early in this cycle.

    Oh, and sorry for the long-ass essay, I got a bit carried away.

    Robotoboy , avatar

    Yeah this. We're all boarding the ship before it sails out for new lands. It'll be a bit before we finally depart... but it's nice to get a cozy seat here while the city we've been living in begins it's chaotic descent into what MySpace became lol.

    argv_minus_one ,

    Facebook survives catering to mostly an audience of unsavvy boomers.

    That’s pretty ironic, considering Facebook originally catered exclusively to the opposite demographic: college students.

    Duskfox OP , avatar

    It's about time we moved on to a better way of doing things anyway, I'm pretty good with moving away from the old ad-based, exploit your community for profit model, personally.

    Yes, you're exactly right with that. Even if Reddit at the moment lacks a major competitor which actually threatens to take its place but rather, numerous smaller competitors, I guess the resultant peace that comes with everyone being divided after fleeing the website is something that I can't deny I have been real happy with. I have found this peace through coming to Kbin. If it stays small, I will continue to enjoy this peace, and if it actually overtakes Reddit, then let us be known as the veterans of Kbin/Lemmy.

    Noahv ,

    Maybe I'm wrong, but maintaining Reddit infrastructure seems pretty cheap to me as most of the contents are words only.

    Rabbithole ,

    That used to be true until they made the insane move of self-hosting all of the images and videos using i.reddit and v.reddit rather than continuing the previous practice of everyone posting all of the media to imgur and youtube, etc.

    They just had to own everything themselves, even if it meant giving themselves running costs that would inevitably climb to youtube-like expenses because of all of the media streaming.

    Pure madness.

    NekoKamiGuru , avatar

    The money Reddit got from TenCent is starting to run out and TenCent is wanting a return on their investment. So Reddit will tighten the screws and monetize harder because the board demands it.

    kutch ,

    Exactly... pressure from boards to monetize and CEOs being told to do it but whose skills that got them there don't transfer

    9point6 , in People in /r/redditalternatives are talking about a "Reddit 2.0" What website would fill that role?

    … Here?

    Mysteriarch , avatar

    Yes, exactly like here! But you know, let’s make it centralized and maybe closed-source, that’ll teach those corporate overlords! /s

    abff08f4813c ,

    Exactly this. Looking at the top response it details it's hard due to a ton of costs like operating costs and hosting costs and stuff, but with federation these costs can be spread around so that it's more manageable for each individual instance (as content doesn't need to be viewed from the original instance but gets spread around).

    yumcake ,

    The mass-scale casual interaction producing flashes of surprising relevance can't happen when the conditions aren't pulling in so many people that the 1 in 300 million person with the answer doesn't casually happen across the question that only he/she can answer. That's the unique content from Reddit.

    Link aggregation, message boarding, messaging, all that stuff is merely tech that lots of other places have. Reddit's moat is the user presence which other platforms can't just replicate. Reddit needs to die first so that 1 in 300 person stops going there and goes to other places and somehow runs into the question there, hopefully in a way that they turn up in Google search.

    Is the fediverse where that happens? Seriously asking because I'm no expert on it. It doesn't seem like the concept can scale distribution at that level. There will be pockets of interaction, but not everything is shared everywhere.

    Psycrow ,

    People just want easy. They dont like change, and they don't want to use their brains too much.

    gigachad ,

    We can only hope Meta comes to rescue us /s

    AlexKingstonsGigolo ,

    @9point6 This is the way.


    demvoter , in 3rd party app for Reddit, Boost, is still functioning well after July 1st avatar

    The r/blind mods said RedReader stopped working for them what a total clusterfuck to have the key accessible app not work while others are.

    mutant , avatar

    i guess no one saw that coming

    ObiGynKenobi ,


    RoboRay , avatar

    Angry boost

    victron , avatar

    You saw your chance to shine and took it, huh?

    AnonymousLlama , avatar

    I see what you did there

    Blazze ,

    The app still works for me. But I've been hearing Reddit has shut down the old mod API token, but not the regular token yet. So that might explain a little. However, RedReader was granted accessibility exemption so who knows what's going on.

    aconis ,

    They broke toolbox's mod mail macros as well. Company is a complete joke.

    xpinchx , in Reddit braces for life after API changes

    Oh no, anyway what’s your guy’s favorite cereal? Mine cinnamon toast crunch.

    Trundle ,

    Honestly, it’s Raisin Bran these days.

    DontMakeMoreBabies ,

    Raisin Brain Crunch is legit.

    Pandantic , avatar

    This is it, and the great thing is the Aldi brand is like $2 and tastes just as good.

    Xathonn , avatar

    Raisin Bran crunch is so good.

    NumbersCanBeFun , avatar

    Rains Bran is the only one I still buy sometimes. I prefer to cook my breakfast but it’s great for when I’m stoned in the middle of the night and want something to snack on.

    Trundle ,

    My brethren! Cereal is among my most favorite of highnight snacks!

    greatwhitebuffalo41 , avatar

    I’m a kid at heart, give me the damn lucky charms

    lavaplanet ,

    You can buy just the marshmallows online if you want to live the kid dream

    akai , avatar

    Makes your bowl of All Bran more fun!

    Bipta ,

    I thought All Bran was a joke and I went to look up which show I'd seen make that joke, just to find it's a real Kellogg's product.

    greatwhitebuffalo41 , avatar

    I don’t wanna vomit because too much sugar upsets my adult stomach but, this is very tempting

    originalucifer , avatar

    ive made super lucky charms. 80% marshmallows seems to be the sweet spot.

    Bertha , avatar

    Captain Crunch Crunchberries!

    tucknology ,

    Quaker Oatmeal Squares are pretty good

    somniumx ,

    what’s your guy’s favorite cereal?


    starlinguk , avatar

    Good start of the day, beans. I'm more of a cheese sandwich person myself, though.

    drdiemz , avatar

    Honey Bunches of Oats, hands down

    Funkmaster-Hex ,

    It's all about those frosted mini wheats.

    Downcount ,

    I’m a simple guy. Just give me normal Cornflakes, add some sugar and milk and I’m in breakfast heaven.

    obi_one ,

    It’s been a long time since I’ve had cornflakes, now I want some.

    survivorseason44 ,

    Honestly I don’t know anymore. It used to be Cookie Crisp but now that I’m older I’m realizing it’s kinda mid. But idk what would replace Cookie Crisp in my life. I like Krave but it feels more like candy/snacks than food to me. I say I like Lucky Charms but what that really means is that I like the marshmallows, not the cereal itself. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is solid though, so maybe that.

    blanketswithsmallpox , avatar

    S'mores. Easily the best cereal these days.

    norbert , avatar

    If I could only pick one, probably cornpops. I have some s'mores cereal right now. It's basically just a mix of Golden Grahams, Cocopuffs, and Marshmallows, its great and is a strong contender.

    Angelus1727 , avatar

    Not a fan of sweet cereal. I eat a lot of weetabix.

    livus , avatar

    Even that stuff is too sugary for me (Weetbix in NZ) so I just make my own cereal with blackjack and hookers whole oats , pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia etc. It's really good!

    Pankakke ,

    I kind of bounce between Cocoa Pebbles and Cookie Crisp as my favorite.

    buddhabound ,

    I’ve really been enjoying life cereal lately. A good crunch without going overboard, and a little bit of sweet to it. You have to eat 2 smaller bowls, though, or else it’ll be mush by the time you finish.

    atocci , avatar

    I do love a good bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.

    Pandantic , avatar

    I don’t eat cereal that much these days, but I love the Golden Grams type cereal, whatever brand. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is solid second choice, tho. These days tho, I go with the more adult cereal… being a healthy adult is kinda lame sometimes.

    AtomicPurple , avatar

    Probably either Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes

    momoo ,

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cookie Crisps and the OG Trix that were shaped like the fruit

    xpinchx ,

    Oh shit I forgot about Trix

    okfuskee , avatar

    1st choice is Lucky Charms

    2nd choice is Count Chocula

    Those adult cereal options can kiss my pre diabetic ass!

    Shivs , avatar

    I love Lucky Charms but unfortunately, they're not sold where I live. The sugar content is probably above the official EU limit for cereals or something :(

    CatZoomies , avatar

    Definitely delicious, I love that cereal. I also started getting into Cinnamon Cheerios Crunch or whatever it’s called. really tasty. I guess I just love cinnamon.

    You know what else I love? Decentralization.

    Jorgelino328 ,

    I don't get milk and cereal. Both milk and cereal taste better before they're mixed, together they just taste like wet paper.

    Burrbromb , avatar

    Definitely peanut butter crunch, can't eat it too much anymore due to how much sugar is in it but damn do I've it.

    Cyv_ , avatar

    I like Reeses Puffs even though its like eating candy for breakfast. Terrible for you but so weirdly good >.<

    DarthYoshiBoy , avatar

    Rice Krispies

    I don't know why, but whenever my blood sugar is low (I'm a t1 diabetic) I crave Rice Krispies so much. It's now my favorite cereal even when I'm not low.

    acronymesis , avatar

    Every once in a while I catch that off-brand Fruity Pebbles (Fruity Dino-Bites!) with marshmallows in it. Just blend that shit up and shoot it directly into my fucking veins please.

    coolmultitool , avatar

    Weetabix, that soggy cardboard taste in your mouth in the morning isn't there to enjoy, it's to make you feel like you're doing something good and healthy for your body. No more than 2!

    Countmacula , avatar

    @xpinchx Fruit loops but I’m told I’m crazy


    ColonelSanders ,

    It's weird to think about but for some reason that's my favorite go-to exclamation when I'm genuinely shocked at something.

    "What in the Cinnamon Toast Crunch is that?!"

    Peacemeal12 , avatar

    I don't eat cereal anymore, or when I do it's the non-sugary healthy kind. But among all of them it's really difficult, but I think I like Captn Crunch with berries. But it really depends on what I would be craving for I!

    Eggyhead , avatar

    I’m just a good old fashioned corn flakes kind of guy… with a dab of honey.

    colonial , avatar

    Frosted Mini-Wheats. They taste decent (I hate straight cornflakes, regular Cheerios, etc) without being completely awful for you like Lucky Charms.

    HunnyBadger , avatar

    Golden grahams.

    okbin , avatar

    cinnamon toast crunch

    not since the shrimp incident…

    Xiphorang , in It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse.

    While you're correct, it's just a clunky term. I think some other way to refer to the whole thing will probably come along soon, and in a few years, people will regard saying fediverse the same way we look back on people talking about "surfing the information superhighway" or whatever.

    cloaker ,

    Radical dude

    Entropywins , avatar

    Get federated!!!

    TimeSquirrel , avatar
    sab , avatar

    I would love it if we just went all early 1990s and started saying "hello Internet!" or something beautifully corny like that.

    In the end activitypub is a standard recognized by the W3C, so it would be kind of accurate.

    52fighters , avatar

    hello, fediverse!

    techviator ,

    In my best AOL voice: You’ve got fedi! 🤣🤣🤣

    Cat OP , avatar

    Definitely a clunky term. It will be interesting to see what the feds come up with. Lets see if that catches on :-D

    Seriously, I'm sure something good will emerge.

    Kichae ,

    I'm not convinced that something good will emerge.

    Keep in mind we still use "internet".

    Bozicus ,

    “Internet” is closer to a lot of existing English words than “fediverse,” though. “Fediverse” might get familiar over time, and it might make more sense to non-English-speakers, but I think it’s a more exotic construction than “internet.”

    Xiphorang ,

    Yeah, but we used to call it the information superhighway and the worldwide web. Internet IS the good term. It may well be that fediverse sticks around so long that we all get used to it, but at the moment, eh. I think if someone somewhere suggests a good alternative, we'll all likely jump on it.

    SNEEZ , avatar

    I mean, threadiverse works pretty well to describe this area specifically

    bvanevery ,

    Dang I totally forgot all about that term. Been awhile. Well it eventually reduced to "surfing the net".

    The thing about the internet, is it was the thing to make it only one net. Previously there were weird systems like bitnet, VMSnet, where you had to juggle email address encoding standards to get balkanized college campus networks to talk back and forth to each other.

    "The web" became the subset of the net, that worked with web browsers. Only one thing.

    Was there a "The Facebook" period? Or was that just a movie name?

    So then we passed through a period of brands. Reddit is a brand. It is not altogether surprising that people would refer to the fediverse in terms of brands. Lemmy, kbin, beehaw, whatever.

    Email and the web had/have specific protocols associated with them. The fediverse has multiple protocols. We're using ActivityPub, which seems to have won as a standard. It isn't exactly catchy or smooth flowing off the tongue.

    Ok, if we try to brain crunch all these previous trends, here's what it's going to be called, if it hasn't been already:


    The difference between the fediverse and the universe will be forgotten. Linguistically, people will not keep up with that detail. Only old timers / early adopters will notice that linguistic change.

    Possibly, 'verse' will come to be seen as short for multiverse.

    May , in Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments avatar

    Hello i hope you dont mind if i post that post, in case someone does not want to go onto reddit:


    Subreddits are starting to see spam from anti-protest, pro-admin ChatGPT bots
    Thread on /r/Pics discussing bot spam. (Pics is now NSFW, but this thread is only profanity / vulgarity.)

    /r/Programming closed (by admins?) after community recognition of bot spam:

    Ycombinator thread:

    Top-voted post from /r/Programming before it closed:

    (I would have just crossposted the top thread directly, but this sub forbids crossposting NSFW posts (which is now everything on /r/Pics )

    Calcharger , avatar

    Good idea, thank you

    Arotrios , in Reddit calls for “a few new mods” after axing, polarizing some of its best avatar

    This is like an incel posting on a dating site after calling all women whores.

    HipPriest OP ,

    That's a pretty good analogy, only he would have to specify that he still considers all women to be whores in his bio to be completely accurate.

    Honestly though, it's desperate. I don't even want to know what's become of Accidental Renaissance 'Under New Management', I'm glad the original team are here though

    livus , avatar

    I never actually saw it on reddit but am subscribed here.

    TheRazorX , in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

    This feels like one of two things;

    1- Their threats aren't actually working, and they don't have enough quality mods to replace the ones they've overthrown (as evidenced by subs where the mod teams were nuked remaining frozen)

    2- PR move to pretend like they're listening and reduce anger.

    Seriously, what is the point of this attempt AFTER they've nuked so many mods and users?

    Edit: I feel like this comment is right on the money


    better yet, they will listen but only in "small groups" of people "they pick" as to curate the the overall mod "response" and then will claim that all mods across all communities will share this same slated opinion.


    snooggums , avatar

    Why not both?

    samus12345 , avatar

    Definitely both.

    TheRazorX ,

    you're not wrong.

    squirrel , avatar

    I agree. This is a) a PR move and b) part of their “divide and conquer” strategy: They’ll keep on schmoozing the mods who go along with Reddit’s bullshit and keep on kicking out mods who aren’t.

    MaxVoltage , avatar

    “We’re sorry 😔 buy reddit premium to remain a mod”

    Gutotito , (edited ) avatar

    Sounds like they'll be bringing turtle, everyone's favorite boot-licker, back with gusto. Good riddance.

    Edit: Clearly @Hellsadvocate is your average turtle fan. Explains a lot, in hindsight.

    Crankpork , avatar

    Has to be #1, or I think they would have replaced the mods on /r/pics by now. They’ve silently removed mods from other big subs without much, if any justification already, so them not doing it in this case makes me think something is wrong.

    stopthatgirl7 , in Reddit threatens the mods of r/CyberpunkGame (the main subreddit for Cyberpunk 2077). Mods decide to go down in a blaze of glory, whole sub agrees. avatar

    R/pics is also refusing to go down without a fight, and I’m kind of loving watching all this from the sidelines.

    Reddit already got caught using ChatGPT to astroturf in posts supporting the admins, so I wonder if some of the people the mods mentioned popping in for drama are actually ChatGPT.

    ArugulaZ , avatar

    "I love everything that STEVE HUFFMAN is doing with REDDIT and will stand behind him in any endeavor. In addendum, he does not look like a crack-addicted lemur. End statement. Please insert coin to continue."

    NotMyOldRedditName ,

    inserts coin

    PupBiru , avatar

    vibrates vigorously

    Madison_rogue , avatar

    feeds that machine like I'm playing Dragon's Lair in the 80's very poorly

    Gargleblaster , avatar

    Dragon's Lair, when you look back on it, was a corporate grab in the arcade world. Disney-level graphics when all the other games were 8-bit, and the worst gameplay ever in an arcade game...because it was made by someone who'd never set foot in an arcade.

    The only competition it has for worst came later when that hologram game came later where you're a cowboy shooting...Native Americans. Another turd that was all graphics and nothing else.

    ArugulaZ , avatar

    Sega's Time Traveller. It was quickly replaced with Holosseum, which wasn't much better, but at least it was playable. Sort of. (It's the most claustrophobic fighting game I've ever played.)

    Rabbithole OP ,

    God, I remember that one... Yeah, bad game, but... Holograms!? I lost much money there, to my shame. 0_o

    Deceptichum , avatar

    It’s funnier than that.

    ArugulaZ , avatar

    Oh man, you're right! They literally tricked the AI into revealing itself! I love it!

    ArugulaZ , avatar

    "You see a turtle in the middle of the road, lying upside down. Do you offer it assistance, or leave it to die?"

    Deceptichum , avatar

    As an artificial intelligence, I do not have a physical presence in the world, and as such, I can't interact with a turtle or any other physical object.

    However, if you find yourself in a situation where you encounter a turtle in distress, it would be good to help if it's safe to do so. Here's how you might assist an upside-down turtle:

    1. Ensure your safety first: Before you decide to help the turtle, make sure it's safe for you to do so. Avoid risking your life or causing accidents. Also, some turtles can bite or scratch, so handle with care.
    2. Gently flip it over: Approach the turtle slowly so you don't scare it, then gently flip it back onto its feet. Try to handle it as little as possible to minimize stress.
    3. Move it in the direction it was heading: If the turtle was crossing the road, carry it across to the other side in the direction it was already going. Turtles are often very determined and will try to continue in the same direction if put back in the same spot.
    4. Wash your hands: Turtles can carry diseases like salmonella, so make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.

    Please note that it's generally better not to interfere with wildlife unless it's necessary. Turtles and other animals have their own behaviors and mechanisms to survive. In some places, it's even illegal to handle certain species without a permit. When in doubt, contact a local wildlife rescue or animal control agency for advice.

    Rabbithole OP ,

    Bad transformer!

    CIA_chatbot ,

    It’s sad how archaic these public bots are, you would never catch me making that kind of mistake

    Jackolantern ,

    Using gpt4 I see

    metaStatic ,

    Let me tell you about my mother

    AmidFuror ,

    Turtle? What's that?

    Demiurge , avatar

    It´s the second time I´m seeing bots being baited like this and it´s fucking hilarious. Is there someone compiling these? I'm dying

    Rabbithole OP ,

    Amusingly enough: r/asalanguagemodel.

    palordrolap ,

    I can't help but think of 4chan's unofficial tagline of "trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls".

    The joke used to be that "everyone on Reddit is a bot except you", but as that has become more a reality than a joke, it's morphed into "text-AIs trolling text-AIs trolling text-AIs".

    A shame it doesn't [t]roll off the tongue quite as nicely.

    Am I also a large language model? Let me answer that with another question:

    Do you remember that bit in The Matrix Reloaded where Agent Smith occupies Bane out in "reality"?

    Haha. Nothing like that. I'm human. Honest.

    Myriad ,

    Nice try bot.

    palordrolap ,

    My programmer needs a kicking because the [unrepeatable] gave me anxiety.

    PsychedSy ,

    I’ve taken acid then tried to use reddit in the morning. I felt like everyone was a bot.

    littlebluespark , avatar

    You took acid in the morning? Do you believe in nothing?

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    What do you do? Stay up all night and look like a twacked out dishwasher that just got off a split double?

    GreenCrush , avatar

    I’d say the morning is the best time to take acid. You can’t sleep on it anyway. So spend your 12 hours of happy bliss doing something fun and productive, maybe outside in the fresh air. It’s probably good for your mental health to have a fun day out on acid.

    ArugulaZ , avatar

    TWELVE? I'm lucky if I get four hours out of a 10mg dose of marijuana. Then again, I'm not hallucinating for twelve hours...

    doublejay3000 , avatar

    thats quite incredible

    capy_bara ,


    fmstrat ,

    This is fake. Admitted by user.

    Niello ,

    Do you happen to have the link to that part?

    Sepix ,

    this is the funniest thing i've seen ... all year <3

    Jackolantern ,

    Oh my God lmao! Is that actually true?

    samus12345 , avatar

    “As a gay black Republican AI language program…”

    FixedFun , avatar

    "As AI model I can't dickride on administrators, please contact Open AI for more information."

    pasci_lei , in People in /r/redditalternatives are talking about a "Reddit 2.0" What website would fill that role? avatar

    I don't want a second Reddit, I want something better than it.

    UnshavedYak ,

    Yup. Moreover, i want clients and implementations that help summarize and reduce doomscroll behavior. Social networks have value (imo), but they also have a cost and i'm tired of paying that. Reddit built a habit in so many of us to go back to it during any downtime, doomscroll more time than we wanted or expected, become overly invested in karma, arguments, etc. Reddit also has zero incentive to fix any of this, as it was perfect for engagement. Reddit is Facebook is Twitter, and i'm tired of those applications drugging my brain.

    I definitely do not want Reddit. I want the value we got from Reddit, without the cost.

    oxjox , avatar

    Buddy, doomscrolling is your own issue. Are you old enough to remember "doomscrolling" cable television for hours at night? We're all choosing to distract ourselves from something else or we're just bored. It's nothing new.

    I mean, if you're having trouble stepping away from something, it almost sounds like you're describing an addiction problem. Everyone should make it a practice to step outside themselves for a moment and assess all their habits.

    You're not seriously suggesting that a platform prevent its users from using it, are you? LOL where have I seen that in the news this week?

    UnshavedYak , (edited )

    You're not seriously suggesting that a platform prevent its users from using it, are you? LOL where have I seen that in the news this week?

    Jeez, this feels quite hostile.

    I'm a developer. I'm working on this problem myself. You can craft features which promote a behavior or inhibit it. For example focusing only on live oriented features, making sure that posts show up constantly and with little ability to see what previous came, i would argue, focuses behavior on addictive FOMO. Features that help summarize historical posts to leave you with less of a feeling of FOMO does the opposite. Quite difficult to get FOMO if the summary of posts only changes once every 5 hours, right? You should see the ideas here. All of which i want to explore.

    Features promote behavior. Some drive engagement, some reduce engagement. I seek features which reduce engagement by way of inhibiting FOMO and promoting the feeling of being informed on what it is you were seeking.

    I'm suggesting a platform which focuses on features that help users avoid what i feel are negative outcomes. Which is wholly different than saying that all platforms need to do this. Why is this controversial to you? Should i, and users like me, not be able to use a platform which tries to eradicate (as best able) FOMO? Is FOMO other people experience somehow essential to you?

    You can have whatever platforms you like. Just because an option exists does not mean it is hostile to your preferences. To me your reply seems short sighted, entirely focused on your individual use case and ignorant of a wide array of methods people want to use to interact with these products.

    I am focused on my slice and my pie. You can have yours too, it's okay.

    acronymesis , avatar

    You can craft features which promote a behavior or inhibit it.

    To add to your point, let's not forget that a certain social media site used their algorithm to boost content that angers people because it also boosts engagement. It shouldn't be controversial to want a social media that, like, doesn't exploit negative behaviors to generate more dollars, and I think your working towards something that specifically doesn't do that is admirable.

    This argument that a social media platform not doing evil things also exclusively means it cannot attract an audience in some other way is a false dichotomy.

    survivorseason44 ,

    Seconding everything here — hostile/destructive platform design is so normalized for users (of Reddit and in general) that designing services that don’t encourage doomscrolling/“anger-tainment”/FOMO/etc feels completely foreign to them, or even impossible. But it’s gotta happen, otherwise we’ll just repeat the worst parts of Reddit (and other platforms) all over again.

    wryan ,

    @UnshavedYak for real. It's so refreshing not having to see loads of wasted awards on the most facile, idiotic comments. Or the obnoxious avatars people made in place of their pfp. It seems so hyperbolic but it genuinely feels great not having to see all that anymore.

    LostXOR ,

    Yeah, the lack of awards is nice. Also people seem to be much less focused on getting upvotes and more focused on actual quality content.

    Tashlan , avatar

    Just to say, I 100 percent would pull RIF up in downtime but doomscrolling is not ubiquitous; I would pop into really specific communities to read about specific interests and shit that didn't expose me to current events. I am an extremely politically plugged-in person, despite avoiding it almost entirely on reddit (unless I was in the mood), but I found shit like RIF actually allowed me to be more selective about what content I want at any given time. That kind of fine-tuned control of my information intake, of course, is completely lost on New Reddit with its barrage of random recommendations.

    UnshavedYak ,

    Yea and i don't mean to imply this is something everyone needs to see as a problem. Plenty of things are addictive for some and not for others. Even regardless of addiction, i just want (to explore) a set of features that is kind of anti-reddit. Explore anything that can help me feel like i didn't miss anything, while not needing to visit more than once a day, once a week, etc. That i felt informed but that the random stuff was filtered out. etcetc

    From a developer, often these features don't scale well either. Either complex to define (if customizable) or too costly to run, but Fediverse tweaks that a bit. We have the potential to have smaller servers with less concern for scale, etc. Fediverse has potential here, for me at least

    Xeelee , avatar

    With black jack and hookers?

    pasci_lei , avatar


    Usernameblankface , avatar

    Yes. A direct copy would have the same problems. No thank you

    wryan ,

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Even with federation off it feels like it's already turning into a smaller version of what we had before. Not so much with post content or comments per se, but more for the already established "power users" and recreation of the exact same garbage, popular subs. I can't believe how many people I've already blocked that I got sick of seeing on every single post.

    Nepenthe , (edited ) in Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma avatar

    "Site I only still care about to laugh at thinks I am going to give it my tax information." I'll have to think real hard about that one.

    Investors should themselves have a good think about how the CEO that self-reported making zero profit in over a decade as one of the most popular social media sites — a site whose ad revenue has stuttered in the face of what is officially a month long protest — can afford to be handing out money to shitposting bot farms now.

    NearSightedGiraffe ,

    I don't know, while I won't be going back there, I can see it help make reddit more mainstream, by attracting influencers. Imagine IG Influencers or Youtubers encouraging people to engage with them personally on reddit. I can see it actually working out alright for Reddit and possibly a small number of already successful influencers and celebrities. I don't see it making the experience any better for the average redditor, though

    bradorsomething ,

    I can see it help make reddit more mainstream, by attracting influencers. Imagine IG Influencers or Youtubers encouraging people to engage with them personally on reddit.

    …please like this post and friend me, and ring that bell. Oh man, you’re right, they’re going to go the tickytocky YouTube route.

    nicetriangle , avatar

    I feel like a big part of the appeal of reddit was that it was kind of a sea of anonymous people and mostly sidestepped the cult of personality that thrives on other forms of social media.

    This is a big fucking gamble on their part I think.

    e_t_ Admin ,

    There definitely were personalities on Reddit, like poem_for_your_sprog, who gained a following. I could see sprog making appreciable money with the proposed system.

    nicetriangle , avatar

    Teah but it's not like the predominant mode of the website and it's not the same kind of like cult of personality you get with youtube creators. Poem for your sprog is like a novel little thing you randomly run into on the site and are like, ah cute. But if that kinda gimmicky shit was all the site revolved around it would for sure not be the same place anymore and I think it would lose a lot of people.

    Pandantic , avatar

    u/SchnoodleDoodleDo in the r/aww community (known for their cute animal perspective poems) was another. I could see all their upvotes being worth something.

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