Allonzee , (edited ) to Work Reform in Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become

Most Americans at this point are a product of capitalist indoctrination via privately owned for profit media propaganda, and public schools defunded and in utter ruin by capitalist captured government to cut their taxes, despite still profiting directly from a pre-literate workforce to draw from that they just don't want to pay for.

And now, through the long laid, long paid for installation of capitalist interest to the SCOTUS through their Federalist Society judicial extremist group, they now effectively own our... I'm sorry, their judicial branch of the government we have to suffer without recourse or appeal.

...They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it...

-George Carlin, decades ago.

This is also why study of the humanities is under attack in academia, btw. Believe it or not, maximizing growth/metastasis/GDP isn't healthy as society's sole practiced value and pursuit. Gotta hurry, a few thousand greedy sociopaths aren't getting richer fast enough, herp derp.

Asafum ,

maximizing growth/metastasis/GDP isn’t healthy as society’s sole practiced value and pursuit.

One of their greatest achievements was brainwashing the country into believing that somehow higher higher higher GDP somehow means a better economy for everyone when it's literally just tracking business profits...

They're perfectly ok with the idea that our income doesn't need to increase at all, but their profit MUST increase at all costs...

SpaceNoodle , to Work Reform in US supreme court sides with Starbucks in union case over fired employees

Terrible, but unsurprising.

athos77 , to Work Reform in Major US corporations threaten to return labor to ‘law of the jungle’

Upset by the surge in union drives ...

Poor babies. I've worked in a lot of places. I've never yet worked at, knew someone who worked at, or heard of a corporation that has a union that didn't "earn" the union by persistent and blatant worker abuse.

Blackmist , to Politics in Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump

If your whole selling point is “Yeah, things are still gonna be shit for you, but at least we’re not Nazis!” then at some point you’re going to lose again.

Yeah, life is going to be no better under the Republicans either, but some people’s lives will be significantly worse, and for some voters, that’s enough.

“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” That’s an actual quote from an actual Trump voter. That’s what you’re dealing with. For some, happiness is a zero sum game. They’ll quite happily suck down a spoonful of warm shit if some other sucker has to suck down two.

cabron_offsets ,

The problem is corollary to your point (which doesn’t diminish your point in the least). Most people are rational actors. They won’t eat shit. That’s why the republican traitor filth will never win the popular vote. The problem is the fucking bullshit electoral college. The shit eaters have an undue advantage. The electoral college is tyranny.

Blackmist ,

That may be so, but isn’t the result always a little bit closer to 50/50 than most of us are comfortable with?

The fate of the most powerful country on Earth hangs on the whims of a tiny percentage of voters in swing states. If you live somewhere like Houston your vote does not matter. That state is going red and always will. It’s batshit insane that a state can be 48/52 and that just counts exactly as if it was 0/100.

sentient_loom , avatar

The real problem is that they’re all traitorous filth. Trump is objectively worse, but he also doesn’t hide it, and that appeals to people.

Sanders was the only legit alternative in literally decades but now he has to be subservient to Biden.

There is no solution on the horizon. I agree that people should vote Biden… but in truth Biden should be replaced with an actual leader. That won’t happen. And while the Democrats remain almost as evil as the Republicans it’s gonna be a hard sell.

Sean , avatar

@sentient_loom @cabron_offsets Sanders has been put into a trance of feeling "heard" by Biden while being neutered in any chance of delivering real material benefit to the people. His career as being a truth-speaker from outside the elite, he's shot his shot to do some real good and will probably retire next year.

killa44 ,

I mean, he is old af too.

davi ,

and still more progressive than democrats have ever been and will ever be.

Noughmad ,

Most people are rational actors

Have you met any people?

Syrc ,

If your whole selling point is “Yeah, things are still gonna be shit for you, but at least we’re not Nazis!” then at some point you’re going to lose again.

Exactly what happened in Italy. Why is the left all over the world unable to present an actually competent and charismatic candidate?

fadingembers , avatar

Because the capitalist class still controls them, curtailing any candidates that would be a threat to their power.

t_jpeg ,

Literally. When the capitalist class are the ones funding the majority if political parties in your country, you are left with either voting for a really right wing candidate or a slightly less right wing candidate.

Blackmist ,

“It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see…"

“You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?”

“No,” said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, “nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”

“Odd,” said Arthur, “I thought you said it was a democracy.”

“I did,” said Ford. “It is.”

“So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t people get rid of the lizards?”

“It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford. “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they’ve voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.”

“You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”

“Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”

“But,” said Arthur, going for the big one again, “why?”

“Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in.”

hangonasecond ,

What’s this from?

wanderingmagus ,

Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

gibmiser ,

Sounds like one of Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books

the_post_of_tom_joad , (edited )

I’m sure you’ve heard this before but it bears repeating that what we call the left is actually the left section of the right wing. There are no left wing parties with a majority anywhere in the world

AngryCommieKender ,

Then run yourself. Be your own Goldie Wilson. I am, though that is because my neighbors keep telling me to run for city council.

keeb420 , to Politics in He became the first Black mayor of a rural Alabama town. Then a white minority locked him out

sounds like something the doj should look into. it sounds like theres multiple counts of denying people their civil rights to me, among other crimes.

riskable , to Men's Liberation in In the age of relentless online pornography, chatrooms, sexting and smartphones, the way teenage boys learn about relationships has changed dramatically avatar

"We are living in a highly sexualized society."

History would disagree. We're still living in a society shaped by Quaker beliefs about sex, children, and the human body in general.

It's telling that the article didn't interview anyone with expertise on the history of sex or people who study sex professionally (as academic scientists and researchers). Porn is definitely more easily viewed than ever before and that may be shaping kids views of sexuality but how is that shaping adult's views of sexuality? Why are kids special?

I'll tell you why kids are special: It's because it has become acceptable to assume that kids being exposed to sex of any kind is somehow "bad". Nowhere in the article do they talk about why it is that kids aren't learning about healthy sexual relationships: Because we hide that from them.

No one wants to talk to their kids about sex but if there's one thing you should tell kids (not just your own!) about porn it's this: It's fake

Donkter ,

It's the classic puritanical/quaker view of sexuality. Kids should be shielded and protected from any mention of sex and sexuality. Then when they turn 18 or get into their first sexual situations a switch is flipped and they're chastised for not "knowing better".

e_t_ Admin ,

Why are kids special?

I think of that quote:

“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn.

Children aren't quite as good as the unborn, but they're close. Advocating for children still lets you feel good about yourself without having to actually associate with children. They're a group it's pretty much OK to be paternalistic toward. If they do resent your condescension, you can easily write it off because they're just children.

gap_betweenus ,

So glad you brought it up. Not only sex but romantic partnership in general seems to be the one thing people need to somehow figure out on their own.

Pat_Riot , avatar

I answer every question my son has honestly and in plain, easily understood language. He's in middle school. Boy are his friends being fed some bullshit from their parents and unfettered access to the Internet. Smile and nod, kiddo, then come ask me. If I don't know, we'll look it up together, but I will not keep him in the dark. The dangerous thing about sex is ignorance of it. And yeah, porn ain't real.

squirrel , to Men's Liberation in Andrew Tate is a symptom, not the problem’: why young men are turning against feminism avatar

I posted this elsewhere:

This is not a coincidence, this is the result of a long-term, political strategy. Anyone remember GamerGate? There has been an extreme backlash against feminism since the mid-2010s which GamerGate was a part of. (GamerGate in itself was part of a wider strategy that the far-right began to use on 4chan in the late 00s.)

Steve Bannon (then EIC at Breitbart) pushed GamerGate’s anti-feminism into the mainstream right-wing politics because he saw it as an opportunity to recruit young men. Unfortunately he was right and his strategy has paid off, forming an anti-feminist alliance that has become a core belief of right-wing parties all around the world. It has creeped into the mainstream with figures like Andrew Tate who fulfill the role of recruiting young men for even more extreme anti-feminist, far-right content.

This was the background noise that these young men grew up in. Many of the influencers they followed would tell them endlessly how feminism is to be blamed for bad games (during GamerGate) and - in general - how feminism is to be blamed for most ills of modern society. That young men were effed over by capitalism and patriarchy was - of course - deliberately omitted.

bouh ,

I agree with you. But I have another blame to this: the far right is the only political side that works on young men, especially on the romantic side of things.

Feminist is the other group that talks about sexuality and men/women relationships. Their fight is the good one, but they vomited men when it comes to and the consequences, and sometimes men were even excluded.

The outcome is that when you’re a men struggling with women, and this is especially a problem with gamers, long time single men, and young men discovering everything about this kind of things, when you’re struggling, feminism is basically abandoning you and sometimes even blaming you.

The only solution you can find about this is from far right with the most toxic and conservative philosophy there is. But it is the only one you can find, as a man, to try to get better about this. Or at least it was.

Those men were politicaly abandoned. And even here on lemmy you can easily read about people arguing that if a man can’t find a woman, it’s because he is a shitty person and not respectful of women.

So indeed on the one hand the far right led a political fight for this result. But on the other hand no one else was fighting on this ground. The left need to stand up and fight this fight too, rather than to send people seeking help to the far right.

squirrel , avatar

I mostly agree with you, but not with this…

feminism is basically abandoning you and sometimes even blaming you.

Yes, that’s because feminism is a movement for the emancipation of women. Why should a group that is fighting for its own emancipation waste its limited resources for another group that is not fighting on their own? For better or worse, there is no political or ideological group out there which isn’t prioritizing the interests of its own members first and foremost. So why should feminism be any different? Why should women have to do the work for the men who - for whatever reason - aren’t acting in their own interests?

Yes, the left has offered no coherent answer to the problems of young men, but it isn’t the case that they offered no answers at all: Brotherhood and comradeship, international solidarity, self-organization and the fight against the oppressors have been core values of the left for ages. Unfortunately the left was ground to dust by capitalism and the last remnants of unions and other such movements which were always meant to empower individuals are struggling. They recently saw an upsurge again, but it remains to be seen if they can make a difference in the long run.

Unfortunately as long as men, such as the gamers you mention, sit behind the computer screen and think that good things should come to them without them having to do something themselves, they will always fall for the far-right’s false promises of power and riches.

gapbetweenus ,

Yes, that’s because feminism is a movement for the emancipation of women.

Pretty sure intersectionality is a big part of modern feminism.

squirrel , avatar

That’s true and I am a big fan of it, but in order to find a place within insectional feminism, men have to create them. Men’s Lib is one of those places.

gapbetweenus ,

I would agree that it’s on liberal men, especially ones who had a “toxic” past and therefore can relate to the experience, to reach out, create media and engage in conversations.

bouh ,

You see, that’s exactly the kind of discourse that leave a highway for fascist to convert those people. Your wrote all this text to basically say fuck you to these men, I won’t help you, help yourself.

Now the far right does tell these men what to do, unlike the left. Obviously they will go with them, because that’s the only support they get.

Feminist movement will not succeed if it doesn’t incorporate men. And women need to be involved in creating a model for men. Otherwise men will simply fall back on the conservative misogyny like they’re doing, and this model do have something for women. Feminist won’t like it though.

I don’t like it either. I like the feminist model. But there’s absolutely nothing for men within it. And this is causing the backlash we can see today.

BTW individual responsibility is the liberal philosophy. Phylosophy that is perfectly fine with fascism if it must come to it. Fascists understand it perfectly, and their misogynistic philosophy is full of individualism. Feminism will not win if it embrace individualism.

squirrel , avatar

I am sorry that you do not see my POV and with the danger to repeat myself: In order to get help, people need to seek help. It requires action. And that’s the same for everyone: Men and women.

That’s why places like Men’s Lib exist: Some men took action and created a forum for men to discuss such matters, but these things will not come to someone who doesn’t seek it.

bouh ,

Hey, just look at the article. Those men are looking for help, and they are finding it. It’s just the far right that gives it. And here people are blinding themselves and pretending there is nothing more to do about it.

This place is a great start. It is what is needed. It’s late to the party, but better late than never.

And it won’t be enough.

gapbetweenus ,

I like the feminist model. But there’s absolutely nothing for men within it.

You seem to not be very familiar with feminism. Most obvious one is that feminism wants to give man and women a choice when it comes to their role in society. Like most liberal “leftist” movement it’s about empowering the individual to be able to live a life that makes them happy by overcoming societal structures.

bouh ,

Ok, stay blind if you will. There’s no problem. We will never know why men are turning fascist and mysogyne I guess.

gapbetweenus ,

You want to shine a light and help me out of blindness by pointing out where you disagree?

bouh ,

I disagree when you say that people should help themselves.

gapbetweenus ,

Where do I say that?

bouh ,

I don’t know where you live to have such a narrow definition of it. And it certainly is true for some feminist groups. But feminism is a diverse movement. And some of them are definitely not open to men.

When you can read that the heterosexual couple must end because it’s based on domination and it enforces patriarchy, at best it’s a poor choice of words.

gapbetweenus , (edited )

I don’t know where you live to have such a narrow definition of it.

I didn’t give you a definition of feminism to beginn with, so not sure what you are talking about. I gave you an example of an aspect of feminism that clearly benefits men.

And some of them are definitely not open to men.

Sure, and some feminist believe that all piv sex is rape and than some others that trans-women are not women. Like you said, feminism is diverse and there are fringe opinions and genuine crazy people. But don’t you think it’s rather biased to define the whole movement by the most fringe elements of it?

When you can read that the heterosexual couple must end because it’s based on domination and it enforces patriarchy, a

Do you think that is a popular opinion with people considering themselves feminist or do you think it’s rather radical extreme position hold by a few and refuted by the majority?

bouh ,

I don’t know the sociology of the people who consider themselves feminists. I read and talk quite some with people, women in fact, who are activists. A published article that defend or promote feminist is activist by definition.

I’ve never seen a moderate feminist article. Would you have one that I can read?

Notice that I didn’t say every feminist was extremist. Some are obviously more moderate than others. But by its nature, feminism is radical. The problem is that men are generally considered allies at best. They’re not included. They’re often excluded.

If some feminists include men, I’ll very gladly learn about them, because I’ve never have before. And I consider myself informed.

gapbetweenus ,

I’m curious where you live, since your experience is rather wildly different then mine.

What is a moderate feminism for you? Need to know before I go searching.

Also I’m curious what being included means for you - is considering men allies including them? What would satisfy for you the criteria of men being included?

bouh ,

These are the wrong questions. The question is how do men and women love each other after metoo? That is the question Andrew tate and the fascists are answering, in a reactionary way.

And Barby (the movie) is a good example of the feminist stance on this: feminists are basically saying “I don’t want to be your doll, fuck off, dont try to love me”. And while the first part is perfectly reasonable and sound, the second part is missing the point. And I realise here that it’s not just me that are abandoned but also women here.

The feminist stance is understandable I guess: they don’t want men to tell them what to be, so they won’t tell men what to be either. But that’s missing the point, the question that’s being asked: how do men and women love eachother after metoo?

People want models, both to understand what to aim for, and to have something to dream about. There are strong women models now all over movies and games. But men are still the old one, and there’s nothing but the old philosophy to answer the question of how do men and women love eachother after metoo. Because feminists abandoned this question.

And it cannot be either men or women to answer it. It must be discussed and agreed. Because women must like what men will be, and men must accept what women want. There is as much work to do on women than there is on men.

Final point: the answer cannot be a negative one. It cannot be “don’t be a dick”. Because after metoo most reasonable men understand that. The question is, if we’re not to be dicks, what will we be? And I’m talking about seduction and romantic relationships here. The question the far right is answering. The question that matter when it comes to men and women relationships. Because no one cares if you want to be an astronaut or a fireman.

gapbetweenus ,

The question is how do men and women love each other after metoo?

Sure we can switch the topic.

fuck off, dont try to love me”.

What the hell are you talking about? That has nothing to do with feminism and I struggle to understand how you arrived at the conclusion that after metoo women don’t want to be loved anymore. Women don’t want to be raped, harassed and then dismissed when they try to get help. That was the point of metoo.

how do men and women love eachother after metoo?

Respecting each other, here I gave you the answer.

But men are still the old one,

There are tons of positive role models for men out there that fit feminist bills. From Argagorn in LOTR to Aang in Avatar, if you are interested I can keep on going.

nd there’s nothing but the old philosophy to answer the question of how do men and women love eachother after metoo.

Yeah, because as I said metoo was about not being raped, harrassed and not dismissed - some rather basic things for a relationship. What answers do you exactly need?

And it cannot be either men or women to answer it. It must be discussed and agreed. Because women must like what men will be, and men must accept what women want.

But that is an individual question. There is no answer for everyone besides - respect others and their boundaries and then anything goes. There is no one archetype of men that all women find attractive and never was.

Final point: the answer cannot be a negative one. It cannot be “don’t be a dick”. Because after metoo most reasonable men understand that. The question is, if we’re not to be dicks, what will we be? And I’m talking about seduction and romantic relationships here.

You just misunderstood the answer. Again it’s not about not being a dick, no one cares. It’s about not raping, harassing and than dismissing women. And the answer the left is giving: consent. Make sure the other side is into what ever is going on and than you are free to do what ever you two want.

bouh ,

So we’re back at square one: you don’t understand, and either you don’t care or you don’t see the problem.

I guess you’re left blaming men and social networks for turning young men mysoginistic fascists.

gapbetweenus ,

Sure, if pushback and arguments is not understanding and not caring in your book. You could also try to explain your opinion, if you believe I misunderstood you. That’s up to you buddy.

guess you’re left blaming men and social networks for turning young men mysoginistic fascists.

That is not my opinion at all. Except that social media is defenetly playing a role in spreading populist idea. But there is also an underlying reason for those ideas to become popular in the first place.

bouh ,

You wrote it yourself, you don’t understand what I’m talking about eventhough I explained at length. It’s not up to me. I explained at length already.

I understand the statistics the article is talking about. And I think I understand why. If you want to understand, you’ll need to make the effort.

gapbetweenus ,

You wrote it yourself, you don’t understand what I’m talking about eventhough I explained at length. It’s not up to me. I explained at length already.

No, I wrote that I pushed back and made arguments. It’s your personal assessment, that I didn’t get your point. If you were genuinely interested in a conversation - you would try to understand my point and where the misunderstanding might be.

I understand the statistics the article is talking about. And I think I understand why. If you want to understand, you’ll need to make the effort.

And other people have other opinions on why and discuss those opinions. That’s why we are here. You can try making an effort to be understood and try to understand others or just be upset why nobody agrees with you.

For example you wrote:

guess you’re left blaming men and social networks for turning young men mysoginistic fascists.

Wich is clearly misunderstanding of my opinion. So I just corrected you. It’s not that hard.

bouh ,

You only answered one sentence in my whole comment and ignored the meaning of everything else. That’s what I mean. You even started with saying that I was sidetracking the conversation when I was actually refocusing it.

If you want to make this an actual discussion, write your point instead of making it a quote ping pong.

gapbetweenus ,

Sure, if you are interested in my personal opinion I will gladly share. Just to be sure we are on the same page: we are talking about why the new right and conservatives are able to reach young men and where and why progressives fail to do so? Agree or did I miss something?

bouh ,


gapbetweenus ,

We live in a time where everything is changing rapidly, which includes gender roles in society. Those stayed rather stable over longer periods of time, but industrialization and two consecutive world wars changed western societies rather drastically. Women became rather completely independent of men in economical aspects and simultaneously pushed for more rights and participation. But this also changed the relationship dynamic and what women seek in a relationship. While previous generation could look at their parents for role models, newer generation had to come up with their own. At the same time over the last 20 years people (in the west) started to grow up in a less certain and secure world. While at the same time internet arrived and changed a lot of ways we interact with other people, while at the same time providing populist with a perfect tool to reach their audience.

So to put it together, we live in a completely different and much more complex world form previous generations. It’s not just gender roles people are struggling with. And that is always a perfect time for populist to come around the corner and provide simple solutions. So populist and conman took on themself to sell the old romantic story of better times long gone by (conveniently their audience wasn’t alive back than, so they don’t know) just with modern tools. And easy answers that are sold in an entertaining way will always find buyers. Especially since it’s pushed by algorithms right down peoples throats.

bouh ,

Populism works since Caesar, and there wasn’t Internet back then… Napoléon? Hitler and Mussolini? Do you know how it went in antic democratic Athen? Populism goes with democracy. Internet has nothing to do with it.

The society is more complex than ever? I read it at least twice: in a XVth century book, and in an antiquity one.

But this is beside the subject. You’ve said nothing here to explain why the reactionaries (the alt right, the far right, populism) are benefiting from this more than the left. Are you saying that the left can’t win? Are you saying that we should shut down Internet?

You need to go farther in your analysis. There always were political forces opposing each other. The progressists were wining for women until recently. Why is it changing when young are so much more informed and educated than people were 50 years ago?

gapbetweenus ,

Populism benefits from new media since it offers easy solutions. While at same time it takes time for society to develop new rules and individuals to learn to handle new media. More complex ideas also need more time to be translated in a way relatable and entertaining to new audience.

Why men are seemingly more succeptable to the rightwing propaganda than women? Maybe because rightwing ideology has rather little to offer women even on populist level.

But than again you don’t seem to be interested in engaging with my arguments. So I will stop waisting my time.

bouh ,

What is this argument? I’m trying to understand. Here you’re not giving an argument though, merely an analysis. You don’t say anything about what’s possible about the problem. Except maybe explaining more and better then?

Men have nothing to win out of the Conservative ideology btw. It’s very harmful to them. Both physically and psychologically. But people don’t choose an ideology after a cost/benefit analysis anyway.

gapbetweenus ,

Last time: rightwing populism offers easy solutions to complex problems of modern world ( like for example gender: conservatives say there are two and don’t bother thinking more about that topic). Modern media allows for easy spread of populism ( algorithms pushing media that creates engagement and creating information bubbles). The right wing populism offers men a clear role and place in society. Right wing populism also offers a clear role for women in society, but it’s almost as bad as a deal as immigrants get. Progressive and feminism also offers solutions to modern problem, but they are more complex. ( For example a more complex understanding of what gender ist). Complex ideas are more difficult to sell.

If you feel like engaging with my analysis/argument/greating card what ever you call it, you are welcome otherwise have a nice day.

bouh ,

Now that’s where we disagree, unless there are things you didn’t say: progressives and feminism don’t offer solutions to modern problems IMO.

And that’s what I’m basically saying and asking you from the beginning. If there are solutions proposed, what are they?

gapbetweenus ,

Dude I literally gave you an example. I obviously can’t retell you whole feminist and other progressive theories and what they offer as solutions to each one of the problems we are facing in moder world.

My example was gender issues:

conservatives - there are two and don’t think more about it, you feel like you don’t fit, we teach to ignore feelings anyway.

progressive - offer a complex ever evolving understanding of gender as combination of culture and biology.

And that’s true for a lot of topics.

One is easily digestible the other takes time to understand.

bouh ,

I understand this very well, but that’s not my question. This is in fact irrelevant to the subject here. I’m not asking you about the rights minorities should get. I’m asking you about the cis-heterosexual men and women.

I’m not asking about theoretical or abstract things. I’m asking a simple question.

If your answer is that it is too complex, then you now know what the problem is. And that’s exactly the problem I’m referring to.

If you can’t understand that, then the problem doesn’t come from the people who don’t understand your complex theories.

gapbetweenus , (edited )

Until you realize that you are not asking simple questions, you will never understand why simple answers don’t work. The answer will always be complex, so it comes down to people being able to explain complex concepts in an entertaining and understandable manner, where we come back to the point I was making the whole time.

At least you almost understood me at the end. It’s something.

bouh ,

Thank you for proving my point: I ask a simple question, and you hide behind arrogance and disdain, abandoning me with no answer. This is precisely what I was saying.

gapbetweenus ,

Sure, everyone is free to chose to be ignorant. Nothing I can do about it. But it’s sure funny that after days talking with me - that is your take away.

bouh ,

You know what’s funny? I can say exactly the same about you. I think you forgot what the conversation was even about.

gapbetweenus ,

If you feel like it sure. But than again I spend quite some time trying to explain my point and you spend that time not engaging with what I say. You think you are asking a simple question and that progressives have nothing to offer as a solution. But when people try to explain to you that it’s not that simple and progressives have indeed solutions to offer, but those are complex - you just ignore everything.

But than what are you doing here if you think progressives have nothing to offer for men? Seems like you are wasting your time here.

bouh ,

You are twisting my words. I understand what you’re saying. But you refuse to understand what I am saying. Just because I don’t say “yes you are right and I am wrong” doesn’t mean I don’t understand you. You’re repeating yourself since the beginning.

But the best: you repeat ad nauseam how the solutions exist but are complex, yet you refuse to even try to give the beginning of one to the question I ask. With all the messages spent repeating how complex it is, you could at least have the beginning of something tangible.

gapbetweenus ,

I didn’t say you don’t understand, I said you don’t engage. Thanks for illustrating.

spaduf Mod , (edited ) avatar

It’s very concerning that you don’t understand that you’ve just made an overall feminist argument.

Because feminists abandoned this question.

This is most certainly not true.

Because after metoo most reasonable men understand that. The question is, if we’re not to be dicks, what will we be? And I’m talking about seduction and romantic relationships here. The question the far right is answering.

The far right is answering with “let’s just be dicks”?

bouh ,

Is this a rethorical question?

spaduf Mod , avatar

If some feminists include men, I’ll very gladly learn about them, because I’ve never have before. And I consider myself informed.

You are not. There is a long tradition of feminist thought that makes very clear that feminism is inclusive of men. What’s more, feminism very explicitly advocates for the betterment of men in the form of freeing them from oppressive gender roles. I suggest you check out works like Feminism Is for Everybody by bell hooks for an introduction into this pillar of feminism.

CitizenKong ,

The movie Magnolia predicted this in 1999. Remember “respect the cock and tame the cunt”? Tom Cruise is basically playing Andrew Tate in this movie.

Kirb00 , to Politics in Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump

The DNC wouldn’t be in this mess if they didn’t play the women card in 2016 while screwing Bernie over. Now we’re stuck with two old men who’s out of touch with the younger generation of Americans.

Very_Bad_Janet , to Politics in No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion

This was predicted. No doctor is taking a chance to be arrested or sued, let alone losing their license to practice medicine in the state.

It doesn't just affect OBs or gynecologists. A general practitioner or an emergency room doctor could prescribe a medication and if that patient happens to be pregnant (and did not know it at the time she received the medication) and has a miscarriage due to the medication, that doctor could go to jail and be sued by every family member of the patient. It's common sense that they would move to states where abortion is legal and where they can provide the standard of care they were trained to provide, without fear of being arrested or enormous legal fees.

notannpc , to Politics in Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump

It would be cool if we had another candidate that didn’t suck instead of relying, once again, on voting for anyone but Trump.

Because I don’t think most people are voting FOR Biden, as much as they are voting AGAINST Trump.

Poggervania , avatar

It was the same in the 2016 Elections too. Most left-leaning people I talked to did not want Hillary in office, but they wanted Trump not in office more than Hillary - so a vote for Hillary it was.

Honestly, both parties fucking suck, and it sucks even more that our options are literally “right-leaning centrists” and “fascism”.

doctordevice ,

Neoliberals need to get this through their head: a sizeable minority of us do not like the Democratic Party and don’t believe we are represented by them, regardless of whatever empty rhetoric they spew. Sizeable enough that you can lose elections without us. We are not a long-term reliable voting bloc and you need to learn tactics other than bullying and fear-mongering to get your way.

To abuse a metaphor, Hillary Clinton and her primary shenanigans were the straw that broke my back. Donald Trump and what he represented was bad enough that I managed to muster enough energy to vote for Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. But I’m tired, and if I’m able to muster the energy for 2024 it’ll be the last time. I’m done voting for people that I do not want to be my president. It doesn’t have to be a progressive, but give me someone I can stomach or you can leave me out of your election math.

And the tired refrain of “Biden is the most progressive president ever” isn’t a consolation prize, it’s salt in the wound.

Uranium3006 , avatar

once the republican party dies, the democratic party is in big trouble for exactly this reason.

burntbutterbiscuits ,

He isn’t though. By a long shot. Biden is right of center

doctordevice ,

I agree, that’s why that phrase is salt in the wound. It’s said by neoliberals who themselves are right of center but don’t realize it. They seem to think it’s supposed to make progressives feel better.

affiliate ,

it’s interesting to think about the damage trump has done to the progressive movement simply by “commandeering” 3 election cycles in that way. because the consequences of him winning are so catastrophic, we’ll end up with 12 years of presidents that were either trump or centrists hailed as the best way to beat him. just to clarify, i’m not trying to downplay the damage he’s done in other ways, nor how terrible it would be if he were elected

i wonder how much easier it would have been to elect a progressive if the past 3 republican nominees had been evil in a more mild and traditional way.

abraxas ,

You say that, but Biden dominated the Primary in 2020. I wanted Warren. I’d have been ok with Bernie. But I have to admit, Biden just had so many more votes.

The US is filled with conservatives. Most Democratic voters are simply sane conservatives. Biden is their idea of a good candidate. An economic neoliberal that believes in modest safety nets and personal freedom when not at the expense of others. More importantly, he believes in compromise (something Democrats need because their constituents are not single-issue voters, and often have different opinions on the issues)

It would be cool if more people were more progressive in the US. But the media doesn’t really want to make that possible.

VolatileExhaustPipe ,

Even if you take the parliamentarian, electoralist position about the primary in 2020 then you have to look at the structures and power bases before you can (potentially rightful) stretch the result to opinions.

Party internal politics mean that there will often be votes being cast strategically influenced by functionaries, mandated people and the old guard.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

That’s all democracy ever is. A check to keep the worst people from being in power. Non-democracies don’t have this, you have to use violence to remove bad people from power. And most likely die trying to do it.

They really should tech in schools how voting really works. Figure out who the worst one is, and vote for the one that is most likely to beat the worst one. You never get everything you want in one election cycle, you have to keep on voting again and again and over a few decades you get some progress. It sucks but it’s better than the alternatives.

That’s why voting is a duty, it sucks, but you have to do it.

Zagorath , avatar

Are you aware that voting systems other than First Past the Post exist?

emergencyfood ,

Are you confusing democracy with first-past-the-post voting? Democracy is rule by, or at least for, the people. First-past-the-post is a very old, simple and rather primitive way of choosing representatives that, as you said, is just a ‘check to keep the worst people from being in power’. Newer, more representative systems such as proportional representation and approval voting are better at choosing actually good parties / candidates.

Ensign_Crab ,

That’s all democracy ever is. A check to keep the worst people from being in power.

I think ours might be broken.

grayman ,

They should run Obama. Not that one. The other one. But Hillary would probably have her murdered.

norbert , avatar

At least she'd lose a few voters by doing it, not like some other clowns eh?

grayman ,

The whole thing is a circus. All clowns.

MisterFrog , avatar

There’s a lot of things to march on the street for, but too be honest as an outsider, national voting reform to bring in a truly democratic system (not first past the post…) needs to be at the top of the list.

So many things broken in your political system flows from it.

VolatileExhaustPipe ,

You know I’ve been here the whole time, you could leverage the same critique in 1998 and yet wouldn’t have gotten a proper voting reform. The point is for that you need a lot of power and that power you don’t get currently.

Your idea is: Lets create the system so that we get more power, to do that we need enough power to change the system. You see how that is a reverse order?

If that isn’t the way forward as strategic goal (since it was tried for decades and there was no success in changing it), what specific goals can you personally do to create power? Power that can benefit your community and possibly the world (just so that no nationalistic takes are posed as solutions).

paper_clip , (edited ) to Politics in No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion avatar

I recall a thread over on Reddit, where someone in one of the dad subs was asking for advice on what to do. His wife, an OB/GYN, had gotten a job offer in Massachusetts. They were living in one of the Southern states, and her taking the job meant uprooting their young family away from nearby relatives and friends.

The response in the sub was almost unanimous telling him to move. Wife could get sued to oblivion and go to jail, etc. That would be far worse than living a few hours away from family.

I recall they did move.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

My wife is a medical professional and a lot of the new nurses and doctors came from those states who moved because they can’t practice or work without getting harassed.

iByteABit , to Politics in Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump

It’s sad for Bernie and other leftist parties that they can mathematically never get into power, but this is the smartest thing he can do given the system. Use his publicity to promote the closest party to his own so that the fascists don’t get into power.

Dagwood222 ,

This is what the extreme Right did. The Moral Majority would show up at every local GOP meeting. If the local club usually had twenty people at the meeting, the MMs would show up with fifty. Picking the candidate for dog catcher or justice of the peace? The MM were there and they made sure they got their candidate in.

Nixon did something similar. After he failed to win the Senate seat he hit the road and campaigned hard for every GOP he could find. By 1968 he had dozens of delegates to the national convention in his pocket.

iByteABit ,

A faulty system is bound to be worked around and taken advantage of by everyone that is able to. The US is very far from a democracy because of it, and it won’t change because the most powerful people will do anything to keep it in place.

gravitas_deficiency , to Politics in No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion

It’s incredibly shitty that this situation was allowed to get this bad.

That said: Idaho has been and continues to be overwhelmingly Republican, by close to a 2:1 ratio. This is a policy - and thus implicitly, an outcome - that the majority voted for. This is deep into /c/LeopardsAteMyFace territory.

FenrirIII OP , to Texas in Texas man seeks to have ex-partner investigated for out-of-state abortion avatar

And so the witchhunting begins.

jarfil , to U.S. News in Alabama town that hasn’t held elections in decades sued to allow voting avatar

Newbern is about 80% Black and 20% white

Many residents did not know they were allowed to have elections.

[checks year] …WTF?

ConstableJelly ,

Braxton assumed office by default in 2020 when he filed for office and no one else, including the incumbent, did the same.

The defendants, listed as former mayor Haywood “Woody” Stokes III and his town council, held a secret, special election, preventing Braxton from appointing his town council. During their special election, the previous town council re-elected themselves, and ultimately reappointed the previous town mayor.

[Rechecks the year] …WTF??

jarfil , avatar

Hm… I think I’m more shocked by people not realizing they have a right to vote. Secret cabals, nepotism, corruption, etc. in politics are more like “water is wet”, or “creek water may be full of dung”.

The_Che_Banana , avatar

Double secret special election: SEE, IT’S ALL ABOVE BOARD AND LEGAL-LIKE…don’t get uppity 'bout it, now.

Tiltinyall ,

It sucks to slog through voter suppression efforts every day online and then find an entire town being suppressed. THIS… THIS…THIS… POST is the cumulative result of the efforts of ANYONE who tells SOMEONE else to withhold their vote for a political stance. You ARE a vote suppressionist! 👈👈👈

jarfil , avatar

Who’s a what now?

Tiltinyall ,

If you are online supporting the idea of withholding ones vote in order to advance a political agenda, you are enacting voter suppression. Layed out pretty simply for you.

jarfil , avatar

Art thou talking about us, or is that a “generic you” like a “royal we”?

(because if thou are talking about me in particular, we hold no wish to keep up with thine baseless misplaced accusations)

Tiltinyall ,

I don’t get it, you trolling?

jarfil , (edited ) avatar

No, I was being funny… but now I’ll be crystal clear:

  • IF you were referring to a generic group, THEN say so and we’re fine, but you could have made it more clear.
  • IF you were accusing me of being a vote suppressionist, THEN explain precisely what lead you to that idea, and we can see where the misunderstanding came from.
  • ELSE, I will assume you’re not discussing in good faith (trolling as you say) and hit the block button.

No hard feelings. 🕊

Phroon , (edited )

You replied to jarfil with the words “this post”, it isn’t clear if “this post” refers to jarfil’s comment or to the article itself. Also, the use of “You” leads the reader to imply that the “You” is jarfil, rather than “You” meaning ‘anyone who tells someone to withhold their vote for a political stance’.

jarfil , avatar


Please, no… 🤦

(rant)I’ve kept this nick since back in the 1990s, when I had to spell it over the phone while creating an account, because client support said “Oh, like Garfield?” and I found it funny… since I also liked cats, the comic strip, hated Mondays, and loved lasagna… a couple decades later Google decided that “Did you mean: jar file”, and since becoming a brony, the full jar thing has become a very unfortunate coincidence. But I refuse to change it, I was there first!..

Phroon ,

Sincere apologies, I typed it correctly 2/3 times and messed up on number 3. Corrected.

jarfil , avatar

Np. I’m kind of used/resigned to it… 🙂

Tiltinyall ,

Yeah, I understand now, I wasn’t arguing.

Zworf ,

Withholding votes no, but IMO the American voting system (at least at a national level) seems pretty broken to me. FPTP, the weird bias to rural areas etc.

Really it should be changed so that it doesn’t always result in this eternal standoff between the two major parties.

Ireland, Australia and New Zealand dumped FPTP and were better for it. It’s just that the US has this kind of romantic idealism about the original founders, as if they were always right and their ideas still hold as much merit in this day and age of voter influencing through digital means, so I don’t really see it happening there. But it should, in my opinion.

Right now it seems like every major election is choosing between bad and worse there and voting for an outsider is just a lost vote.

In that sense I can understand the reluctance of voters to actually show up. Especially in states that aren’t swing states.

core ,

I’ve been told my vote won’t matter if I don’t vote for the right candidate. that’s voter suppression if I’ve ever seen it

ConstableJelly ,

The common thread with any definition of voter suppression is that it reduces voting. Being encouraged to vote and in such a way as to increase its power is as close to the opposite of voter suppression as you can get.

Call it something else if you like, but it ain’t voter suppression.

CableMonster ,

The town is 133 people, I would also be suprised that they would have elections, I wouldnt have thought they even need a government.

jarfil , (edited ) avatar

If they are an incorporated plece, and they get the whole shebang of taxes, funding, elections, etc., then they need someone to run it, or a “government”.

Guess it sometimes could be hard to tell, with all the varying rules, but people who live there… are there places in the “deep US”, where people live in anarchy?

(sometimes it might also be the case where an incorporated town, through depopulation, ends up with nobody willing to act as mayor, but that’s different)

CableMonster ,

Sounds like the first vote I would want is to unincorporate, I dont want some small town good ol boys telling me what to do.

jarfil , avatar

I might be wrong, but it seems to me like unincorporated places would depend on county level, or some larger place, good boys telling you what to do. I’m guessing it also comes with a budget, taken out of the residents taxes, for stuff like services, police… elected official’s pay… and similar.

At a population of 133, it sounds more like a HOA, but dunno.

CableMonster ,

You are right, but I would prefer good ol boys in a different town that tend to not know I exist and let me and my neighbors do our own thing.

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